Vitamin d drops?

edited March 2012 in Breastfeeding
Are the vitamin d drops really necessary? the peditrician keeps giving them to me


  • My sons pediatric said as long as you get enough sun and vitamin d in your diet they aren't necessary
  • No they aren't generally. Your body stored vit d throughout pregnancy thru diet/sunshine and you generally have enough until baby is 6 mo when they start solids. BUT if you somehow ended up with low vit d le
  • ...levels just up your intake to 2000UI.
    and get YOUR levels checked before you give baby the vitamin
  • Thanks ladies.. I'm definitely going to look into my levels for sure. I just don't want to give my son something that's not needed.
  • I live in the UK where we don't get a huge amount of sunshine in summer never mind winter, I'm breastfeeding & no one has mentioned taking any vit d supplements & I've even told them not taking any pre/ante/post natal vitamins (they make me feel v nauseous) so I'm hoping they're really not necessary :)
  • For baby.. 3 hours of sunshine outside a week is PERFECT!
  • I don't give her any. I was prego over the summer and outside a lot as long as it wasn't too too hot. And now that its getting to be really nice here, we've already been outside a ton, so I'm not worried she isn't getting enough.
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