Avocado as a first food

edited March 2012 in Food
My son is almost 6 months. Yesterday, I gave him an avocado spear and he gummed it so much a big chunk broke off and I immediately freaked and dug it out of his mouth. Would he have been able to mash it with his gums? I was afraid he would choke.


  • I gave my daughter avocado last week but blended in the baby bullet, so not sure about the spear. They r fairly soft
  • Probably would have gagged a bit. wouldn't do it again either mash it or use one of those mesh pacifiers. how did he like it? I tried sweet potato yesterday
  • I saw on Youtube a momma giving her 6 mo old avocado spear. I will definitely blend it up for a while from now on.
  • @heyitsme he seemed to like it! He likes sweet potatoes, too!
  • You don't really have to blend it. just mash with a fork :)
  • I haven't started foods yet we are starting next week. But will be steaming and blending all his foods for that exact reason! Choking freaks me out!
  • I used it for rion's first food, just mashed it with a fork and a little water! He loved it!
  • Babies rarely choke with the right foods. Its a gag reflex that teaches them to not force food so far down the throat, it's a good thing.
    eventually they learn to chew it before swallowing
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