need help!

edited March 2012 in Babies
Does anyone else have a "high need baby"... need a support group! My lo is draining me to the point that my dh and I have to take shifts taking care of him and barely see each ogher. Lo cries constantly. He was colic until a month anf now he is either happy of entertained 24/7 or crying hysterically like its the end of ghe world (he is definitely not sick though).


  • How old is he?
  • @mimii36 he's 4.5 months
  • He is so intense all the time, constantly fusses.... I try everyghing by responding to his cries (except for baby sling cause my back is too bad for it)... and he freaks out if its anyone but me and dad taking care of him. Over the weekend we went to visit our family and he freaked out, cried nonstop for 2 hrs (mind you its crying to the max/ out of control) .. so we decide to leave and the moment we get in the car he was all smiles... so i cant have anyone but us wat h him for now. But he fits ever characteristic of a "high need baby" and its to the point that some days i feel like i can barely get by.
  • My daughter was very clingy until about 3.5 months but now she's a lot better since she can entertain herself and she has a lot toys like her exersaucer and her piano play mat. And she likes cartoons.
  • Is he teething?
  • Yea, drooling and biting everything... no teeth yet. I ordered him a teething necklace and waiting for it to come.
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