Milk Issue - Not enough nutrients???

edited March 2012 in Breastfeeding
So... My lil guy has always been lil (his daddy is a skinny guy too) I've always been concerned with his weight, but the docs said he looks good and he always seemed satisfied. Right now he is almost 5 months and he weighs 14 pounds 3 oz. When I'm not there, he is drinking 4-5oz every 3 hours. The dr said he should be drinking 6-7 oz every 4 hours. so.. I was talking with my boss today about how the dr said he is a little underweight... She asked me what my milk looks like when it separates in the fridge. I told her that it's like 75-80% watery liquid and the rest is the fatty creamy stuff. She said it should be the opposite. Is that true??!! My Milk has ALWAYS been like that when it separates and I'm wondering if that's the been the freaking issue the whole time. I had NO IDEA about that! Blahhhh... Does that mean I'm not getting enough nutrients in my diet? How could I help get the more fatty creamy stuff (i forget what its called lol)?

@homebirthadvocate @captivated @bahamamama4828 - I would greatly appreciate your advice here ladies!


  • Sounds like my girl was! She's always been smaller, (& her dad is skinny) at 5 months she weighed 13. 5 lbs. My Dr freaked me out about her weight, and I sTopped bfing. Switched to formula because I thought my milk was to blame. Well now here I am at 9.5 months, and she still only weighs 18 lbs. She's just a small girl. Your milk is probably fine, of your baby seems happy, I wouldn't stress about it.
  • I will say I pumped for a year when I was at work with my son and the way you described it sounds exactly the way my milk looked. My son was always on the higher end percentile...he is still really big and over 2 now. I don't think there is anything wrong with your molk honestly. Like I said, my son was thriving fine and it looked the exact same :) Hope that helps some!
  • Sounds normal too me. My 2 yo was the same way. He is still skinny. But if its truly a foremilk imbalance try pumping/hand expressing before a feed for a min or 2.
  • My milk sounds similar to how you're describing although not examined it too closely, my boy is big, weighed 14lbs 2oz at 8 weeks & obviously going to take after his dad, sounds like your little guy is taking after his :)
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  • edited March 2012
    Hahaha we have the same kids @homebirthadvocate.
    my girl is an oinker too
  • Mine is the same way and my son is fine. Your LO sounds perfectly normal!! For some reason, doctors feel that BM is not nutritious enough... ~X(
  • That's what mine looks like and mt son is 18 lbs almost 6 months old. Bm is 80% water.
  • edited March 2012
    Mine looked like that and is 5.5m and 14.5 pounds. I am tiny though but he has put on 1.5lb in 4 weeks... He was 7lb 13oz when he was born. I give him 2x 5oz bottles, 1x 4oz bottle, 5 tbsp oatmeal w/ 1oz breastmilk mixed with 1/2 container stage 2 baby food, and 1 gerber yogert everyday at daycare and he is bf at home.. (daycares usually 730am - 530pm) and his last bottle usually is right at 5... What we do is he gets his bottle first and then the food after. If we increase his bottle amounts he will throw it up so no more than 5oz at a time...
  • The milk you described sounds alot like mine, I dont think you have much to worry about. Maybe get a second doctors opinion to see what they say. Hope you figure something out an if you do let me know.
  • My milk is the same exact way. My Son just turned 5 months on the 21st and he's 16 Lbs. All Babies are different... :)
  • ps you might need a new doctor lol and print out the bfed baby growth chart!
  • @alilboulding too answer your previous question-here are some books and info for your friend about adoption and lactation
  • edited March 2012
    @alilboulding, I ran across this today while researching and I remembered your question. I think you might find the information on the composition of breastmilk reassuring.
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