Wow this is awful!

Did anyone else see this?...

I hope this family sues that hospital!


  • Seen this! Makes me sad. Hep b vaxx is not necessary I don't carry hep b and my babies don't use needles or have sex...
  • Ya it really made me sad to! I refused the hep b vaxx and my dr about had a shit fit...and then he showered me with useless vaxx literature.
  • Hahaha I hear ya..same here
  • Even though I hate the anti-vaccination movement...this is terrible.
  • Terrible in deed!
  • There has to be another side to this...people don't routinely take custody at the hospital level just because parents decline shots. We take custody because children show up meth positive, etc...not for planning a home birth. There's something fishy about this story.

    Regardless, where I work, parents literally watch everything we do, down to resuscitation of their baby. I just can't imagine a facility being so secretive, and if there is some truth to how this family was bullied, it's appalling.
  • @rtmommy, I was wondering the same thing as I was reading. When I was on L&D and postpartum, kids were taken for the same reasons stated above. Like you also said, if it is true in its entirety, they are looking at a huge lawsuit and media coverage.
  • @captivated right. It seems extremely sensationalized and biased to me.
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  • The first part of this sounds so similar to what I went through with Tessa. She was 5 wks early but weighed 6 lbs and scored a 9 on the apgar test. She was with me for 2 hours and totally fine when they told me it was hospital protocol to take her and test her for 4 hours. Something didn't sound right about that but I didn't know what to do so I let them take her. Three hours later she's in the nicu on a cpap machine because she's having "breathing issues". I'll never know what really happened when they took her but I always wondered why all of the sudden she had all these issues. It's almost like going to a mechanic, they can tell you anything and how are you supposed to know. My next baby will be delivered at home!!!
  • I like this article, except for where it asks for "donations". If they sue the hospital & win, they will have plenty. Why do they need mine?
  • @starrxoxo9 thats awful! i wonder what else is behind this story? its not illegal to do what these parents did so im not sure
  • wow, this is crazy! There definitely must be another side to this story, I just have a hard time believing this. I'm an RN and something like this has never occured and in fact is against the law to occur at any hospital!!! And the fact that risk management was involved and yet the story continues this way, sound really fishy to me. By no means would I say that bad things dont happen at hospitals, but when you sign a consent or you refuse treatment both are completely fine!!! A child can never be taken away from its mother because she refused a Vit K shot or Hep B vaccine... that's crazy! By all means, a mother has the right to refuse a C-section!!!! And if she sighns the consent that she refused while being completed educated and informed, then if something happens to the baby the hospital can not be sued ever. You have more control of your health care than you think when you get to a hospital, you just have to outspoken about your wishes! Either way, I think this story is not legit!
  • @davidnaadynsmama, I think so too. However, it does take a lot of money for an attorney when you sue. Most of them usually take it on the basis of winning though, right? So then what money would they NEED for a donation? :/
  • @captivated thats what I was thinking. Up until reading that, I was furious with what I read, but the subtle "send us money" part towards the end was enough for me
  • Lilium was born at Hershey Medical Center (the hospital in question) my prenatal care was through a mid-wife who worked with the hospital. She told me that if I desired a home birth I would have to go see a diffrent midwife who specialized in home births, with out me bringing it up, and if there were any problems or concerns I would have to go to the Med. Center she also said if I chose a home birth I should still sign up for the * FREE* hospital tour, just in case. It was all straight forward and open.

    During delevery the nurses were super nice and amazingly helpful. If I wanted to walk around I was allowed (as long as I stayed in my huge private birthing room) All of the newborn tests and checks were done in the same room I was in, Lilium needed a bit of oxygen for a few minutes and that was done in the room as well. There wasn't a minute Lilium wasn't in mine or my husband's sight. (We didn't take the nursery option ) even when we were moved to the recovery room.
  • We were required to stay overnight due to my recovery and since Lilium was born three weeks before due date and also to take a car seat safety course and a "don't shake your baby course" which the hospital makes you take before they release the baby to you. I do believe that is pa state law but I'm not 100% on that.

    During my recovery all the nurses were super polite and awesome.

    All that being said I am super skeptical about this story.
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