okay im back n trying(no judging)HELP

edited March 2012 in Pregnancy symptoms
so I had my last period on the 1st of this month it ended on the 5th...... I ovulated on the 12th.... we had sex 9,10,11,n 12th tgen the 22,23.... I was suppose to start my af on the 26th I started the 25th my cycvles average around 25 days... well my af was only 1 1/2 days of regular flow n it went away then I spotted last nite til just a few hours ago it stopped..... ummm cud it be pissible af was implantation?????? thank u mamas


  • 17 days past ovulation is a little long to be implantation bleeding... at the very latest it SHOULD be 12-13 days max... But some peoples bodies are different :) sometimes around the time of an expected period, a woman will bleed even though she's preggo...

    And why do you say no judging?
  • cause this maybe my 3rd time here since I had my daughter she 6mo but the first two times we wasnt tryin n now we're more like if it haopens it happens...... well be happy either way...
  • n thats the thing mine came at 13 dpo...... I ovulated the 12 n was suppose to start the 26th n started tge 24th
  • I bleed during early pregnancy, you should test. Gl
  • still don't understand why anyone would judge ;-) Have you tested since you're technically late? that's the only sure fire way to tell.
  • No worries about people judging. I don't see why anyone would anyway.
    But have you tested yet?
  • not yet im sorta nervous cause we want to but then again between me n him we got 7 kids we really want a big a family..... crazii I know but we got so much love enough for one or two more..... we are getn,married this summer july 14th in puerto rico so we are excited we even talkin about adopting to once we married n have another baby..... all I can say is im so glad he has a good as job lol he make 27 n hour lol
  • I suggest you to test in the beginning of April so that way you'll know for sure when you take the test. If you take the test the same month you think you've gotten pregnant or have conceived you may end up with a false possitive or it saying negative when you really are pregnant. It takes a little while for the body to easily detect pregnancy hermones.

    I tried to test last October to see if i was pregnant because my af was taken so long to get here and my husband himself was getting suspicious lol. Well it said negative those two times I took it in that month. Well when my af was still a no show in the beginning of November I decided to take it again and it said Pregnant. (I took a digital Clear Blue pregnancy test) :-D also the doc confirmed it at the clinic that week.

    So just wait until your af is about a week late then you can test, so your able to get a accurate reading. Good luck! :X @vayanna
  • we're waiting n anticipating
  • I don't see why anyone would judge either, unless your using the system. Test test test girl! Might as well get it over with! Go to the $ tree then its only a buck! ;)
  • okay I tested I actually took two the first one came out bfn the second came out well u tell me ima post a pic
  • Where is the pic?
  • sry took so long had to wait for almost a thousand pics to upload to my photo bucket uggh...... im making a new post with the pic in it.....
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