Help! How big was your baby at 30w preggo?

edited April 2012 in Third Trimester
At my 20w u/s my baby was measuring 3 days ahead. I just had another u/s on friday at 30w3d and they thought he weighed 3 lbs 11oz.

I feel like thats alot!


  • I think they say they gain about 1/2 lb a week in the 3rd tri. I had 3d scan when I was 31weeks & they said he was 4lb 3oz, had him 6 days late & he weighed 8lb 12oz. Sounds like he's gonna be a decent size :)
    Oh & I measured about a week ahead on my 20 week scan too :)
  • My baby was 4lbs 2oz at 32 weeks and 6lbs 11oz at birth
  • Remember those are just guesstimations.
    Not aquriate messurements.
    They are almost always off by two or more pounds in either direction. Its not often they get the weight right.
    I asked my ob not to even try to guess how big my baby was.
    They told my sister she was going to have and 8or 9 lb baby. Her girl was barely 6lbs when born.
    Same thing happend to my friend
  • Sorry for typose and miss spellwd word. Breastfeeding a kicking baby lol
  • My baby was about that size (Cartier)
  • My son was born at 30 weeks at 2.15lbs.
    LOL @Littlefae happens to me daily.
  • edited April 2012
    They told me madison was going to be 10 or 11 pounds, i was freaking out! Lol shecame out at 7lbs 14 oz, its just a guesstimate, don't fret!
  • @littlefae I hope thats the case! I guess I know ppl too who were told bigger one was told she was going to have an 8lb baby with sn enlarged heart he was born at like 5lbs and normal.

    Thanks all I just am nervous to push out a monster!
  • Its ok, I personally believe we were meant to habe 9 possibly 10 pound babies.
    I worked for a news paper that had started in 1872 and they had every single arcive there so I was reading news paper from then and 9/10 pound babies were actually the average weight. I noticed babies born 7 pounds or less were the ones who typically didn't survive their first year.

    We didn't start having "small" babies until the 50s when woman were suddenly supposed to be very tiny, stay tiny, and then have tiny babies because men wanted to come home to skinny wives.

    Where as when the big babies were being born it was during a time when woman worked very hard, there was no fast foods or preservatives and in the paper they would call them healthy. The only time they mentioned a baby being large was when a woman has a 12 lb baby boy.

    But I understand being nervous, its normal too be so. Just continue to exersize, long walks and squats, and eat healthy and try to relax... though I've been there so I know how hard that is lol
    Good luck!
  • At 30 exactly my daughter was 3 lbs 10 oz an she was 6lbs 10oz wen born lol at 30 wks my other baby was only 3lbs 8oz an came out bigger at 6lbs 14oz
  • Amazziing! @littlefae Malia waas 8.3lbs
  • @littlefae thats amazing! Well crazy to me actually! Very interesting! I was 7 7 when born & hubby was 8 something. I just don't want this 9+ baby coming out! That makes me nervous. This girl on 16& pregnant this passed week had a 9 lb 5oz or more baby. And the kicker is he was 4 weeks early!!! Ahhhh!
  • Lol right? I was reading all of that (before I was even considering having kids) and thought it was interesting. Back then they just had their babies at home and the drs would ride out to them on a horse. No idea of pain killers then either. Being able to squat while giving birth, like we are supposed to and not on our backs like they make you do now, makes all the difference in the world.

    And to the 9lb baby born 4 weeks early, they were probably off on the day of conception by a couple of weeks.
  • @littlefae good research! Not everyone does that! :)
  • @littlefae I would hope it was miscalculation!
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