csection vs. vbac

edited April 2012 in Giving birth
Okay so I'm 26 weeks and i had a section with my first baby. I've already set up my date for my section this time but I'm kind of reconsidering....Im not so sure I wanna go through all that again unless I HAVE to. I was just looking for some input from you ladies on both parts...back to back sections and vbacs. Im hoping it'll help my decision.


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  • I just have a lot to consider. Cause i won't be able to care for my first if i have another section cause she'll be too heavy plus the recovery time seems way better with a vaginal. I'm just scared cause either my labor wasn't that bad or I'm good with pain. @armahnismommy
  • I tried a vbac with my son (my second child) but I did 'fail' it. BUT I would do it over again in a heartbeat. I wanted to give my body the chance to do it. I think that it is up to you. After the 2nd csec I was up and walking after 4 hrs or so. (My son was a 41weeker who went to the nicu for a collapsed lung and I had to walk to see him) My recover was quick and amazing. Now that I attribute to the hospital staff. They had me moving quickly. They found my bladder stuck to my first incisions scar tissue so they ended up having to cut into the contractile muscle so I no longer can try natural birth and It kinda bugs me. I did it to see if I could and still dont regret the 14 or so hrs I tried. (My pelvis is to small to pass a baby)
  • @lilbit01_209 I guess it can't hurt to try. I'm just scared for some reason. I find it crazy that I'm okay with getting cut open again but scared to do what my body knows how to do.
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  • Well I don't really like my Dr. I had an amazing midwife with my first and i can't have her again cause i had a section. They said its hospital policy but my Dr now just seems not as caring and such. She's an older woman and i just don't really connect with her. I feel like bringing up the topic will get her mad cause my section is already scheduled. @armahnismommy
  • I was scared. Scared shitless actually. (In all nice terms!! Lol) But my first was rushed and I felt cheated though I really wasnt. I trust my hospital and knew if there was an issues the doc would call it. Which is what happened. My son just didnt fit and his heart rate dropped. (It was also b/c of his lung but we didnt know that)
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  • Thanks for your input. I think I'm gonna go for it. I just don't really feel comfortable with my Dr. Is it to late to switch? @lilbit01_209
  • I've had 2 c sections. i personally would never try vaginal because with my first i had a horrible labor experience.
  • @armahnismommy anytime I ask her a question like about my migraines and stuff she just blows me off and tells me to go to my family Dr but I know they're gonna tell me to consult my ob so i thought I was just skipping a step but she was kinda snooty with me and i didn't like it. When is it too late to switch Dr's?
  • Anyone else?
  • I dont know... I am in the military system so I had a group of docs not an individual one. If I didnt like someone I wouldnt let them schedule me with that person. I would call around and find a vbac friendly doctor that works with a vbac friendly hospital.
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  • @homebirthadvocate that's what I thought. It'd be no different then goin in with my first child and having to have a c section. But I think I might call my Dr's office and ask for an explanation cause i loved loved loved my midwife
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  • There are definitely LOTS of midwives that handle vbacs! Some people will say that they would rather have another c section, but this is major surgery. You are setting yourself up for future problems with you uterus and bladder among other things. If you could, switch to a midwife or birthing center depending on your insurance. You dont have to consent to another section.
    If you do get your vbac, make sure you only have intermittent monitoring, not continuous! NO pitocin, labor in as many positions as possible. Many women who birth flat on their back, end up with forceps, episiotomies or the other lie of being told they are too small to birth babies. I am 5'1" and prepregancy weighed 95LBS, I had my vbac 5 months ago in a birth pool in my living room to a 7.2lbs baby. It was the best experience ever because I wasnt continuously checked, I got to eat, I got to rest, I got to try different positions and walk around. And my husband held my hand the other time telling me I could do it! :) Your chances of rupture are slim, and ruptures generally happen in the 3rd trimester, not during labor so don't let a doctor scare you. Sorry to ramble lol.
  • I had an emergency c section with my first and wanted to try a vbac with my second. When I was 38 weeks my Dr told me she didn't think it was a good idea because I was at risk for a uterine rupture because I had a ton of fluid. I really didn't want to risk that so I went with the c section. Sometimes I feel cheated but I know she and I both chose what was best at the time!
  • @mom926 i dont mean to butt in lol but did the doc do an ultrasound or feel for fluid?? the ultrasound is the least accurate, whereas a midwife can palpate the belly to feel for fluid and babys position. Ive never seen a doctor be able to do that! :)
  • oh and dont let your doc break your water!!! :) it is NOT necessary.
  • Both. I had two ultrasounds and at one of my appts she squeezed and felt my belly. .
  • My doctor won't allow a vbac because it is less than one year apart. I would have wanted to try but it will have to wait unitl baby #3 which I'm hoping is about 8 years from this one...lol
  • I went with the csection. David was breach, and I didnt let them try to turn him, thats why I had the 1st one. The second csection was much easier. I knew what to expect and my recovery didnt seem as painful. Its completely up to you though, thats just my experience
  • I'm thinking about just going with a home birth @homebirthadvocate
  • <3 home births! I've attended to quite a few!
  • I'm just hoping I can do it @bahamamama4828
  • You can! If you're low risk go for it!
  • I had a 47 hour labor with my first that ended in c section so I was all excited to do Vbac with my second...well I decided a few months before that id just do a repeat c and then found out he was breech anyway. When he was born he had the cord around his neck and a code was called because he was blue and not breathing. After being worked on few minutes he was intubated and it took about 10 minutes before he started breathing on his own. If I had attempted a vbac or homebirth I have no doubt he'd be dead right now. My recovery was so easy compared to my first where I labored beforehand. I walked after 6 hours and stopped taking pain meds on day 3 after surgery. Taking care of my toddler was easy ( I was worried about that too, he was under two at the time). Id pick the c section any day after experiencing labor and a planned c section. There are risks to both, the decision is yours :) Good luck with whichever you decide
  • http://www.glorialemay.com/blog/?cat=6

    gloria lemay is a renowned midwife-i have taken some classes with her online
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