Idk if you ladies heard But prayers needed!!



  • Wow, this is absolutely heartbreaking. I aj so very sorry for the loss of your precious, beautiful angel, and I'm sure God brought her in on an angels wings, with open arms.
  • Im so sorry :( sending prayers now
  • Sorry for ur loss :( she sounds like a perfect lil angel.
  • Prayers and thoughts to u @mrsrocketfiel1221 my heart breaks for u.
  • xoxxoxo
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 oh yea I know that. It's just when she said the baby was still with you and they had no idea why. I read it as one sentence. Like the baby was still with you but they didn't know how it was possible. After I reread it I understood what she meant. I know how the process goes tho. It's happened to a family member of mine.
    But my prayers are with you and your family.
  • I'm so sorry...hugs and lots of prayers for u and ur family
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 she sounds like a very precious perfect little angel! Thinking about you constantly. Harlow has such an amazing and strong mommy & family to watch over!
  • My heart is truly breaking for you. I will have you and your family in my prayers. :-(
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 im sorry for your loss i lost my son at 16wks16weeks in oct 2010 and never for one sex do i regret holding him or spending my time with him after i delivered. I also had them take pics of him and i keep them with my u/s pics and the memory box they gave me at hospital. Its nice to look back on my time i did get to gold him in my arms on those bad days. If you need anyone to talk to just message me for my number and you can text day or night i mean it timebandit texts when she has bad days and i do same its nice to have support from someone whos been there.
  • *sec not sex stupid phone and hold not gold
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