Breastmilk to formula help please!

edited April 2012 in Breastfeeding
I am a breastfeeder I go to school tho so I pump just enough for her to go to daycare while im at school. I always struggled to pump her last bottle and just yesterday they told me that its not enough anymore and that I should add an extra ounce or two but I know I cant pump that much. so im thinking about giving her formula just at the daycare cause I dony want to completely stop breastfeeding. So my question is how can I start her on formula and wat kind should I start her on?


  • Mix her formula with breastmilk for a little while at first. Gradually adding for formula than breastmilk until she gets used to it.
  • You can also buy fenugreek it will increase your supply after about 4 days of using youll notice an increase. And when your home right after she nurses try and pump that same breast and emty it out completly
  • i used similac advance only cuz that's what i gave to him at the hospital. i couldn't get him latched on even with a nurse's help and i wouldn't have seen an LC for almost 24 hrs (small community hospital w/o a 24/7 LC) so i didn't want him going that long without food. he didn't have any issues with it.
  • I eventually did that while I was at work because I couldn't pump enough. Start by mixing it with the bm to get her used to it. I use enfamil infant in the yellow can.
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