Crazy bad back pain
Does anyone know anything I could do to help my lower back pain?? I'm EBF and not sure what I can take. I've tried 800Mg Motrin that I had left over from the hospital and it didn't help at all! It feels like i'm being stabbed and I can't take it! Help me please!!!
You may need to take the swelling down first.
I found that nursing in bed and co-sleeping can cause your back to do this.
I nurse on my sides and fall asleep and when I wake up I put Haylee in her bed and it has caused my rotator cuff in my shoulder to rip and also back issues.
Hang in there..
Oh ps.. don't double up on your 800 mg Motrin. Your body rejects any motrin above 800 mg and you just pee it out but your baby will get sick and will spit up.
That is awesome that you kicked that habit. I wouldn't have said the ER if I had known! I do hope you feel better soon and get some relief.