switching lo from a infant carrier to a convertible car seat...

edited April 2012 in Ages & Stages
When did you switch. My lo is 5 months and I was wondering if it was almost time.


  • We just bought one for mine. Shes almost 4 mo but i cant carry the infant carrier anymore
  • We started with a convertible but I believe its 20lb or if thier head or feet are over the edge of the seat...
  • @mom2ing you are still carrying her around in the infant carrier? My lo already seems SOO heavy! Lol
  • @mimii36 thats how i am! I am starting th have to wait for my hubby come home to take her anywhere cause i cant carry her and the car seat
  • Lillys. 8 month (I guess she's on the petite side lol) and we just switched her. The carrier should have a weight and lenth restriction so I went by that. Hers was 22 lbs or 19 inches and she's about 19 inches so we switched :) she loves looking out the side window now that she can see it! Gl mama!!
  • I had a post like this. You can actually put them in a convertible seat from birth. Most start at 5 pounds. Its facing forward that is 20lbs and one yr but they're now recommending 2 yrs of age. Because their neck muscles aren't strong enough to handle an accident. But the convertible seats can face backwards also.
  • This post makes me laugh... as I just went to the dr for a muscle strain in my hand from lifting my chubs in and out of the car! She is almost 7 mos and 17 lbs. No idea when to switch!
  • I just switched Jack today. i couldn't carry the carseat around anymore. he's 5 1/2 months and probably close to 20lbs
  • hey @mimii36 I switched mine very recently.My son is a day older than your daughter. He has Been in his Recaro for about month. He wax getting heavy. As soon as hs was able to hold his head up no troubles. Thats when I converted. The only cons about it: I dont go out to eat because he some what of a UN supported sitter. Same with to grocery store. If I go to store I use my stroller instead of those nasty shopping cart.
  • We are switching here soon mine will be 10 months and still fits perfect in her infant seat we are getting a dino radian rxl
  • My daughter is 11 months and is almost 20 pounds. Once she hits 20 pounds and is a year, I'll be switching her.
  • I just switched my LO to the convertable. Shes 11 months and 23 lbs and I know u should wait a year but her legs were all sorts of jammed up sitting in the carseat and what is 3-4 more weeks until shes 1 going to hurt? Now that shes facing forward she doesn't cry in her seat anymore like she used to!
  • How do ya'll go grocery shopping if lo isn't sitting up yet? i want to switch madison (6 months) she sits up by herself but i'm freaking out about her sitting in the shopping cart, she's so chill in her carseat, i can prop her bottle, she can snooze, i can cover her with a blanket to keep the old people away lol, but she's heavy! But she's just as heavy when i hold her out if the carseat, i guess i'll wait a little while longer. Sorry for the jumbled thoughts!
  • My infant carrier said 30 lbs 30inches. At rion's 6 month visit he was 29 inches, so his pediatrician said to switch him. So we did, he is still facing back and I plan on keeping him that way, as long as possible.
    @kimberly4411 Rion can sit up in the basket(he loves to look around), but I'm also getting a clothe cover that way I can lay him down in there too. They sell the shopping cart covers at target and babies r us.
  • No problem..I didn't know either! I guess I heard people talk about weight but I never thought to check lenth! Ps- I meant 29 inches, not 19 lol :)
  • @Kimberly4411 I switched my son pretty early too because he was so heavy...for the grocery store we got a cart cover seat and it has straps just like a highchair and a pillow behind his back so it kept him up right. (hopefully that made sense)
  • We changed nicholas at 5 months. He loves his graco all in one and so do we.
  • @Kimberly4411 I use my stroller. I dont really want my son touching those nasty carts. My stroller has a basket on the bottom
  • Thank ya'll! I'll look into the cart cover, i think i've seen other people use them, i just wasn't paying attention
  • We just started using a cover when we go to the grocery. I usually wear Ollie but my back is pretty messed up right now so that's a no go. Anyway, we got him one that you can latch toys to. He loves it! Plus I love that it covers the WHOLE seat area so there is no way he can touch the grubby cart. Babies r us has a lot of different prints, and I think u can use their 20% off coupon!
  • Are the shopping cart covers hard to put on? Like does it take a lot of time?
  • I dont use a shopping cart cover. And my 10 month old hasnt been sick. I see it as more immunities(sp) for her
  • No they aren't hard at all! Just slips right on! @jennalynne87
  • Thanks everyone. Too many names to tag on my phone. But we are putting one on layaway and I also found a seat cover that has side pillows in it so it can support her up.
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