help! i think i might go crazy!

edited April 2012 in Sleep
Ugh mini vent. Ok ladies help me quit freaking almost 2 1/2 year old has never slept thru the night actually never more than 4 hour at a time before ur like omg she's such a bad mom make the kid sleep he's autistic and its just not something his body requires a lot of..and then on top of that 6 months ago my husband and I welcomed our beautiful daughter into the world and boy has she been a gift from God I am a proud mommy and love my babies but I'm exhausted and as much as I would love to pretend I'm not a bit overwhelmed so imagine my suprise when my period was 3 days but late non the less. I'm freaking out Im to scared to test I'm on birth control I take almost religiously (unless the lack of sleep has made me insane lol) I'm no superwoman I'm scared I'm feeling alone lost don't get me wrong I would love this baby if it were to be and wud count it as another blessing but I honestly don't know if I can do it yikes. Neway coyld it be lack of sleep and servere stress causing me to be late??


  • Yes stressing can make your period late or not come at all.
  • Yep lots of stress can make your period late. I stressed so much once that my period went mia for a month, then I got it twice the next!
  • Stress can do that. Are u gonna test soon? Hang in there and try hard to relax. Maybe see if someone is there to help u out for a little bit or maybe a support group...? Idk but hang in there!!! If u r preg then congrats and u can do it!
  • I have been so stressed before it stoped my period for 6 months!!
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