Had an emotional break down yesterday after appointment...

edited April 2012 in Breastfeeding
My almost 10 month old is super active and is walking on her own almost running. And she went to the doctor 2 weeks ago for a cough bit that was just allergies. She weighed almost 19lbs 2 weeks ago. And yesterday she was barely 17lbs. My doctor told be to give 2 bottles of formula as a snack cause she needs the extra calories. And she said but dont stop breastfeeding. Breast feed for as long as you and elizabeth want to. She goes for a weigh-in in a month. Im praying she gains Weight. I noticed today I wasnt feeding her enough food. I feel horrible about it. But im happy that she still wants breastmilk over everything else. I was crying in the car in the parking lot for 30 mins cause I felt like the biggest failure for having to give her formula.


  • Don't listen to doctors :( she became active and lost some weight. The doc should really look at a breast fed baby growth chart. Don't worry about food. Its not a matter of how much solids but for taste and teaching. I'm sorry!! Seems to be happening alot lately
  • Dont worry hun! Bahamamama is right! She is super active, ofcourse she is going to loose a little weight! Its ok! My dumb ass doc told me there was no such thing as a breast fed baby growth chart, that they are all the same. I called bull shit on that! Dont let that doctor makes you feel bad! Your doing a great job!
  • @Ashley_smashley lmao the bf growth chart is on the world health organization site..dumb doctor!!
  • @Bahamamama4828 @ashley_smashley I already started give her the 2 bottles a day. And she seem happier and not so fussy. And I honestly dont think I was giving her enough food. Cause she eats table food for dinner and I gave her more food today then usal(sp) and she ate it all and nursed. Im only giving her 2oz of formula and an oz of rice milk per bottle and she nurses after if she wants more.
  • I just looked at the breastfed growth charts and 16 pounds at 10 months is still really low.... It's in the 5th percentile.... So wrong chart or not it's still low enough that I would be concerned. Btw, not saying you're a bad mother or that you did anything bad at all! Just made me want to look it up cuz my 5 month old is 17 pounds, so I thought that would be weird for the two different growth charts to be so significantly different!! Mine is formula fed and always has been, not by choice. He was also in the 90th percentile when he was born buy has evened out and is currently in the 50th. Good luck and I hope it all works out and she gains weight! Could you possibly try taking things to up your supply? Just remember you are a great mom! The simple fact that despite you wanting to only feed her breastmilk but putting that aside to help her makes you a very loving, concerned, and caring mother! <3
  • Sorry meant 17 pounds, not 16
  • Have your bm tested for calorie count!! I guarantee its fine as far as calories
  • @smcox thank you for looking it up. My supply is fine. I just think my fat in my milk is low. And I dont even know how to up my fat.

    @Bahamamama4828 where would I get that done. Jow can I increase the fat in my milk?
  • The hospital or a pediatric clinic with an LC and possibly Wic with an LC. You can't generally increase bm fat but you can remove some foremilk.
    I know the NICU can test milk.
  • My son was just like that. At 9 months he was barely 15 months. The doc pulled him off formula and we started him on whole milk and pediasure. For even more calories, we added butter, sour cream, avocado, and cheese to the food he ate. He finally hit 20 pounds about 7 months later. The doc had all kinds of tests ran for all sorts of things, and she finally said "Well, besides being very small, he looks healthy. I think at this point, we don't worry anymore. He has two small parents, so he will probably just be small, too." He's now going on 6 years old, and barely weighs 35 pounds on a good day LOL. He's been in the 5th or lower percentile since 9 months.
  • Haha my 9yo weighs 40lbs
  • @Bahamamama4828 thank you!! Im calling my wic office today. The LC there is very nice and helpfull.

    @LilSugarsMama yeah I think if she doesnt gain weight it might be cause im tiny. Im barley 5'2 amd my husband is 5'10 and his sister is 4'11. But elizabeth is great on the height scale shes 29 inches long
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