Oh ..... tmi
I had a misscarage last night... and didn't know I was pregnant.
I'm still shocked over it. Sad, mainly shocked and still trying to grasp the situation. I never had a period, and my lo is 6mo old.
I thought I had started my period March 28th but it was super super heavy, I even bled through my pad and pants while on the plain. I just thought my period was coming back with a vegancy, but now I think that's when I lost the baby and finally passed it last night.
I had been bleeding off and on since then. I wasn't to far along though I don't know how far along I was.
We weren't ready for another and had been very careful during our rare occasions of having sex.
I'm sorry if my post doesn't make much sense. This was just very unexpected. I just don't have anyone to really talk to and don't want friends and family (other then hubby) to know.
I'm still shocked over it. Sad, mainly shocked and still trying to grasp the situation. I never had a period, and my lo is 6mo old.
I thought I had started my period March 28th but it was super super heavy, I even bled through my pad and pants while on the plain. I just thought my period was coming back with a vegancy, but now I think that's when I lost the baby and finally passed it last night.
I had been bleeding off and on since then. I wasn't to far along though I don't know how far along I was.
We weren't ready for another and had been very careful during our rare occasions of having sex.
I'm sorry if my post doesn't make much sense. This was just very unexpected. I just don't have anyone to really talk to and don't want friends and family (other then hubby) to know.
I'm not sure how far along I was. My midwife friend thinks about 6 to 8 weeks possible its hard to tell. It didn't resemble a fetus, but it was one if that makes sense.
Tmi I used the restroom last night and when I went to flush I realized that it didn't resemble any of my normal clots so I fished it out and it was very solid. About 2 to 3 times the size of a lima bean. And kinda resembled the shape as well.
At first I thought that maybe it was left over stuff my lo's birth but after talking to my midwife she confirmed that it was probably a baby and not any left over after birth.
Any loss is hard and I'm still struggling with the concept that I was pregnant. My hubby and I haven't had much sex so I can't pin point when I could have conceived. We use condoms but I know one of the nights we had an issue with one but thought I was in clear, and that no lil swimmers got out but I guess one did.
Physically I'm fine, my midwife has me looking out for any signs that will warent a trip to the er, or to see her. I'm still slightly crampy but that's going away and bleeding has pretty much stopped.
Emotionaly, I'm sad, feeling very guitly because a part of me is relieved we are not ready for another baby but would have eagerly welcomed another one if it had stuck. But right now we know we aren't in a position to have a second baby. Just sad that it happened.
Thank you for your support it is greatly appreciated and I knew I could find some here.