
edited April 2012 in Solid Foods
Why is it every time we give my lo cereal she is awake all night long and sleeps HORRIBLE? Shouldn't solids make her sleep better? She is ready for solids but if this is what happens idk if I can handle not sleeping. She went to bed at 7:30 and at midnight she was awake till 2 and then back up at 6am and got up at 7am. She usually sleeps all night except giving up once to replace her pacifier. She is 5.5 months old. She ate the cereal really well.


  • Maybe it upsets her tummy
  • Maybe she didn't seem to be in pain or gassy tho..she just seemed awake..wide awake! Lol we used rice cereal. Should we try oatmeal? Or should we try it in the morning instead of at night? @ynvtish @kristaf22
  • she may just not be ready. my daughter was 7 months old before food stopped upsetting her belly. we gave her food every other day until she tolerated it. my pediatrician and lactation consultant said she doesn't really even need food til she's one since she is breastfed. before one it is just to get her used to spoon feeding, and the texture.
    your pediatriian may say otherwise. this is just what I was advised to do
  • have you tried a vegetables instead of cereal? some babies don't tolerate it well. we started with vegetables due to this.
  • @kristaf22 I thought about doing it in the morning but as I thought about it our schedules in the mornings are crazy it wouldn't be consistent. Is there a difference in rice to oatmeal? Like is one better than the other?

    @taztwister84 our ped has been telling us to start solids since she was 4 months..actually she said to start it in her bottle at 2 months but we didn't cause we didn't feel she needed it. She has been watching us eat and trying to grab my food, so I feel she is ready. I always thought we were suppose to start with cereal. Did you not try cereal at all? She ate it fine. I may have given her too much which might have been our problem. I just fed her until she didn't want any more than gave her the rest of my pumped milk in a bottle.
  • Hmm..ok we went with the rice since the ped recommended it. But we may be trying oatmeal instead. @kristaf22
  • I mix cereal with a veg or a fruit! My lo wouldn't eat cereal by itself.
  • @bigbelly she ate it alone just fine, she actually couldn't get enough of it.

    @kristaf22 yes she is so good with advice. I will be looking into it better.
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  • edited April 2012
    Yes we are giving her a bottle afterwards. She usually wakes up at 5am for her pacifier and then doesn't get up till about 7:30-8am. @girlsloveink87
  • Rice cereal and breast milk is a no no. The rice keeps them from absorbing the nutrients in the breast milk or something.
  • Oh well that's good to know! Thanks @steph_due_101611
  • Ive always heard that the oatmeal was best to try before rice because its easier on babies belly. I dont know how true this is, its just what ive always been told by our pedi
  • We did oatmeal for the belly (My nephew had issues so we followed suit).. then we added a veggie to it (1/2 container) and now he just does the food, no oatmeal. We will occasionally give him some mixed with apple juice but just as a snack...
  • @davidnaadynsmama yea idk...I figured rice was fine since our ped recommended it.

    @lilbit01_209 we just started solids so we are still trying to figure out what is best for her. I just didn't think it would be much of an issue. We are going to try it in the morning rather than at night to see if that helps, she didn't have any today.
  • I don't know much about rice vs oatmeal but we do rice cuz our son is allergic to wheat/ gluten. So rice is our only option as far as cereals go. He has it in almost every bottle. We recently started solids other than cereal.
  • In reality cereal does not help a baby sleep through the night
  • At least they told us that in a parenting class I dk ?
  • I asked our ped about rice cereal vs oatmeal and she said the rice was more broken down and less likely to cause an allergic reaction. That was why she recommended it first before oatmeal
  • @smcox I don't think she has an allergies to anything..at least not so far, but that's why we started with rice just in case.

    @salasmommy yea we weren't giving it to her at night to make her sleep longer..she has slept through the night since 2 months old. At night it was just easier for our schedules. But we switched to giving it to her in the morning, today is the first day so we will see how it goes.

    @ready2bmommy yea when I did my research it said that, but it also said it was more likely to constipate her..but she didn't have a problem the other night so I think we are in the clear for that.
  • Is it possible she is going through a growth spurt that is causing the sleeping issues. Maybe the cereal is just coincidence in timing? Dunno just trying to come up with ideas. :-)
  • @doodles I never thought of that..but last night she didn't get cereal and didn't wake up until 6am she went to bed at 8pm.
  • Hmmm does seem related doesn't it. I thought of growth spurt and teething. Those both change my babys sleep pattern. I hope you figure it out, that's frustrating.
  • @doodles yea it does. She has done better today with it getting in the morning. So who knows?!
  • Spoke to soon..we were up every two hours last night idk what to do but wait a couple more weeks and try again and then if that doesn't work maybe try oatmeal..ugh I just don't know. I know she is mentally ready but maybe she is not physically(meaning her digestive system) @everyone
  • @sophiasmom11 when did you start giving her food again? My lo is 5.5 months. This is the first time we have tried solids.
  • @sophiasmom11 does she seem to be doing better with it now? What did you start off with?
  • @sophiasmom11 well then I guess we will wait for a while
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