Epidural birth or Natural birth which is better an why??

edited April 2012 in Third Trimester
Basiclly my question says it all. Try an explain as much as possible why you think Epidural birth or Natural births are better. :)


  • I think it really depends on the woman. Some women need the epidural or they will become to tired from all the pain during labor to push.
  • Did you breastfeed if so did the Epidural effect it in any way the first time you tried to get the baby to latch and feed off of boobie? @kristaf22
  • I personally like naturly better then epi I had an epi with my first and had a really bad excperience with it and still suffering side effects from it 2 years later and I went natural with my son and loved it it was a great excperience I healed faster
  • How much did it hurt? I mean im sure it's painful obviously, but I mean how bad was it when it comes to the pain, in your opinnion. @Mackenzies_mama2010
  • It hurt not gonna lie but it usaally goes by faster with our the epi I got induced and had pitocin and I could still manage the pain you gotta put yourself in that mind set just walk in there saying I can handle it and don't let any one try and talk you into the epi if you dont want it that's what happened with me they kept asking me about it n shit and scared me into getting it but I think that also had to do with my age I was only 18 at the time
  • @Mackenzies_mama2010 That's true it all depends on how we prepare ourselves for it. Thanks for the help. :)
  • I had an episode with my first and a natural birth with my second. For me, I enjoyed the natural so much more. I'm pretty good at giving birth physically wise because I'm up and walking around/doing things as soon as the nurse leaves me alone haha. Anyway, I noticed with the natural birth I felt more energized after, I recovered better and I didn't feel as foggy headed after like I did with my epi.
    It does hurt but breathing with it helped me and also remembering that the pain would end as the contraction wound down and that you'd get a small break. I had a water birth and let me tell you..best.experience.ever. I don't plan on having an epi for my next when we decide to have another. It was intensely satisfying knowing I had the will to stay calm, focused, and sweet while birthing a child. With my epi I still felt a good deal of pain and before I was given my epi I swore like a sailor..and threatened my husband. :) overall, its a woman's choice for herself. Don't let anyone talked you into a certain way in the hospital/birthing center..its your delivery!
  • Drugs are good, mmkay?
  • Ive done both and I will by far go with epi.
  • Thanks and very true @0utlaw_Sphinx ;;)
  • I got an epidural and it didn't even take. I could still feel everything. I ended up having a csection though and I had to be put to sleep so that I wouldn't feel any pain...my bf couldn't even come in the operating room
  • edited April 2012
    My body doesnt do well with delivery so... I practically went into (non-seizure) convulsions every contraction one they hit hard. The pain made my body start violently shaking and I couldnt stand, sit or lay. I litterly would curl around my stomach if on the bed or grab the railing (or closest person) and squat if I was standing... So I recieved epi's. The only problem that I had with my son was the catheter, it hurt so bad!!! But they found out my bladder was stuck to my scar tissue from my previous c-section. So epi's it was with me.
  • I've had natural twice. My first the epidural failed so natural it was. With my second I didn't even mess with the epi but I was loaded up on pitocin. That pitocin sucked but I managed. I will do natural again if I have another. Either way, your baby will be born and you will forget most of the pain (not all of it lol)
  • It really depends on your situation but I had an epi. I was in early labor having regular contractions but my blood pressure was high. I was augmented with pitocin to speed up my labor. After I got the epi I went from 4 cm to 9 cm dilated in about an hr. I think it helped me relax.

    I breast fed and my daughter latched on right away.
  • edited April 2012
    I had my daughter, who is 8 now, and had an epidural. If I could go back I wouldn't have gotten it. I have back pain to this day from it. It was horrible the next day, I could barely walk. I felt so gross. My 2 year old boy and my little Logan (18data old) I did natural. My 2 year old I didn't choose natural I just didn't have time to get an epidural bc tbe hospital sent me home and I was in full blown labor and hour and a half later went back and they told me it was too late. I am glad it happened that way bc I felt great the next day I was walking around. As for pain I was so focused on doing what I needed to do that I really didn't notice. My 18 day old I opted to go natural. I waited as long as possible to go to the hospital. Got there and was 8 cm ready to go. All in all it was painful but I had a great nurse who helped coach with breathing....so it wasn't bad at all. Again the pain when you are in that frame of mind isn't bad.
    Now I also want to say my nurse even told me I did amazing and must have a high pain tolerance, I once broke my thumb at work by slamming it in a heavy safe door and worked the rest of the day with a broken thumb and it was huge swollen and purple...so I am not saying natural is for everyone. They were amazed how well I did and my Dr was asking if I wanted to do it again in a year or two lol. So if you normally are good with pain go for it. You could do what I did try natural but let them know that you may possibly want an epidural...that way they know your plan and can let you know when would be the last moment to get one. Good luck:):)
  • I had an epidural with my daughter 8 months ago and loved it! After I labored so long with the pitocin, I took an hr and a half nap when I got my epi. In August when I have this one, epi all the way! Lol :-)
  • edited April 2012
    my plan was to go natural but i started labor at 430am and i went to bed at 2am. when i got to the hospital its was almost noon. and i was soo tired. they broke my water around 4pm they started pitocin and after an hour i had to get the epi i was in so much pain and soo tired i wasnt managing my breathing. luckily at 7:31 elizabeth was born after 30 mins of pushing. if i wouldnt have pushed her out so fast i would of ended up with a csection. her heart rate was dropping. come to find out she had the cord wraped 3 times around her neck and once across her body
  • 4 kids and all epiderals. The last one went HORRIBLY BAD and I had to have 2 blood patches. My baby is 9 months and I'm still suffering
  • I got to 5.5 cm and I couldn't take the nausea that the contractions were causing. Anti-nausea medication didn't work so I opted for the epi. Well, turns out I have a narrow spine and the anesthesiologist was finally successful on the 4th try. I don't know what he did but I didn't have to press the epi pump not once on 12 hours. I was absolutely NUMB! I ended up having an anxiety attack and needed valium, ugh!

    The anesthesiologist visited me the next day with personal instructions on how to give me an epi, should I ever need one again, lol. That's how complicated it was to penetrate my epidural space, go figure!

  • No epis here, all natural. Although I had a spinal 2 1/2 yrs ago sometimes my back hurts. I liked not having an epi because my body involuntarily pushed so no purple pushing here! Forcing your body to push is bad. I had a water birth so it was less painful, felt like a huge poop haha
  • Spinal for c section**
  • @Bahamamama4828 im so thankful that my back stopped hurting where i got my epi. i just have regular back pain that i had before i got pregnant! and its cause of my breast :/
  • I think natural I had an epi with my c section and I'm terrified of having a second My back hurts like hell still 8 months later
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  • I had an epidural with my first..worst experience ever. Not only was I completely numb, they kept hitting the button to give me more drugs! I didn't even want the epi, but I went in at 5am in labor at 4cm, and around 7 they started me on pitocin that I didn't even know about until I really started hurting. This pregnancy I'm not even going to the hospital. I'm going to a birthing center to have a water birth to avoid ANY and ALL interventions. Plus I still have a pain where they did the epi when I sit a certain way..not the best feeling at all!
  • I had no epi. I did have a shot of pain meds but that didnt even touch the pain. By the time I wanted a epi it was to . So I went with out. I will have to say I knew when to push. It really felt like I had to take a huge sh*t.
  • I had the epi and loved it! I had pitocin and it was killing me! If anything, I highly suggest avoiding pitocin if you can! If they suggest being induced, don't do it! Unless it's an emergency. I think I would have ended up in c section no matter what just because of my Dr but I will never ever put myself through pitocin again! But I had such a long Labor the epi saved me! I have had no residual side effects. The only problem I had was at first I had a hard time breathing cuz it went up too far but they gave me oxygen and after a while I was fine. My epi did start to wear off before my c section was done though, that was horrible! I hated my Dr!
  • Oh and I could still feel that urge to push! No matter how many times I pushed my button I couldn't get rid of the pressure feeling! Lol
  • Loved my epi and will have them with the rest of my kids. I knew when to push wad able to breastfeed right away with no problems,I was up and walking just a few hours later. I don't handle pain well so for me I know I wouldn't be able to do it without.
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