My 7 week old daughter hates to be on her back! The only time is when she is sleeping at night or eating. Other than that she has to be sitting upright. Any ideas as to why?
My daughter is 6 months old but has been the same way for a long time. There wasn't ever anything wrong with her.. she is just super nosey and wants to look around at whats going on instead of laying on her back and looking up at the person holding her.
That's what I was thinking too....she was practically able to hold her head up since she was born. I just thought I would ask in case anybody had any other reasons as to why she hates her back.
My son didn't like it either but in our case it was gas. I just switched to similac sensitive formula and he is fine now. Heliked being on his tummy bc it helped him pass gas.
My girl didn't like being on her back. But she was holding her head up hours after I had her, and she's just so bloody curious. Lol she wants to discover everything.
That's what I was thinking too....she was practically able to hold her head up since she was born. I just thought I would ask in case anybody had any other reasons as to why she hates her back.