birth control for breastfeeding mommas



  • edited April 2012
    @newmomma13 @fate @captivated
    I just know that's what my doctor said. I had paragaurd and loved it so Idk.
  • @newmomma13 What do you mean? Its especially for women who have had at least one baby. I don't think you can get it if you haven't had a baby. Let me look. Brb.
  • Yeah, on the Mirena website it says reccomsmded for women who have a child.
  • Lol see I don't know much either. I guess whichever one without the hormones
  • edited April 2012
    @Fate someone said that their doctor won't put it in after they've had children
  • Ohhhhh. That doesn't seem right. :/
  • @Fate ya it doesn't since you said that that's why ur was made for...but I guess every doctor has their own opinions
  • @newmomma13 @Fate
    What you guys are saying makes more since, hmmm I am asking my doctor again.
  • @Heather3rdgirl Tag me when you find out please?
  • @Fate I will. I am pretty sure I didn't missunderstand her option and that she won't do because I had the paragaurd and loved it. I worked great for 5 years until I got pregnant, I asked my doc cause I didn't know if Mirena would be a better choice after baby. I really really don't want to take the mini pill, would love to get the iud again, if I am not going to get pregnant.
  • @Heather3rdgirl I am just wondering since both Paragard and Mirena are IUDs, why she advises not to get Mirena if you've had a baby, but Paragard is fine? Both have the potential to perforate the uterine wall, the risk is increased if inserted too soon after birth.
  • I got the mirena about 10 weeks after giving birth. Had no bleeding till 3 weeks after it was put in then bled for 2-3 weeks. Now havent bled for almost 3 months... I love it...
  • @Fate Yeah I had the paragaurd put in after the birth of my middle daughter. She said something about she has seen more problems with Mirena after birth so I really don't know, but will be asking again for sure.
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