Silliest/worst "advice" you have gotten so far?



  • I read some good advice about cats in a baby book. It said before the baby is born put a piece of card board with doublestick tape all over it in the babys crib and leave the bedroom door open. Cats are curious and will jump in....and when they do, they will hate it!! Cats hate tape on their feet and will associate that with the crib. @camommy
  • Dude. I work in child care. I make fun of kids all day long. I hope my baby comes out cute in spite if it... and without the god awful cry these couple of kids at work have that I always hate on. Or as whiney as that little punk... or as stubborn as that little girl... Oy.
  • @NewMommy_NavyWife Lol, mine too but I try my best not to tease when I see "not so cute" children!! I love spicy food also but I didn't even believe the person that told me that mess about spicy food!
  • My friend told me one family member told her not to eat so many pickles because the baby will have acid reflux...wth?? Lol
  • Someone in one of my classes said she smoked and drank as much caffeine as she wanted for all 5 of her kids so it's ok. After that she mentioned how she also had 3 miscarriages, and that's probably why.
  • @kayleigh27 I was also told that if go to a funeral and view the persons body then your baby will look like they're dead while sleeping!
  • @superbun89 Oh wow, that reminds me of the Moral Orel episode "Passing" where the mother chain smoked, drank like a fish, and did things like horseback riding, skiing, and participating in contact sports.
  • I was told this morning by my brother after he ate my cheesecake, I shouldn't have been trying to eat it forbreakfast anyway, then he took all the ice cream and melted it in the sink. Worst advice, ever. I wanted to snatch all his teeth out. I can eat what I want, when I want.
  • @cadymj27 I'm not even pregnant (yet - TTC!), and I would have wanted smacked him. Sometimes cravings are your body's way of telling you that you are lacking a certain nutrient! In this case, it might have been calcium since you wanted two milk-rich products.
  • @fingerscrossed Probably so, I was breast fed until I was like four and have never had any cow milk, soy milk, etc in my life. I can see how I may need calcium. I told him I was gonna sow his lips together in his sleep because yesterday, he ate my honeybunn and gummi bears:(
  • I just asked one of my friends - a new mom - and she said a piece of advice she got was to ball up some red string, put it in her mouth, and then to put it on her baby's forehead for hiccups. I would love to know where *that* piece of advice came from! :))
  • I was told the more heartburn I hd the more hair my daughter would have. Lol. Well she was born with hair on the side of her head but not the top lol! Like mr. Burns from the simpsons! And I had extreem heartburn daily
  • edited February 2011
    I'm laughing so hard! My poor hubby is sleeping next to me so I'm trying to not laugh super loud.
  • Not to hold a baby infront of a mirror before they turn one. Bad luck.
  • I was told to pee standing up bc it woukd make delivering easier.
  • I'm Mexican so I hear them everyday...I can't cut my hair because if I do it will never grow back. I can't eat too much spicy food because my baby will come out super hairy. I can't remember more right now. I told my mom I have to cut my bangs because I never let those grow out, since I was 12 I've been cutting them, and she acted like I told her I was going to punch my stomach.
  • For hiccups my aunt said wet toilet paper between the eyebrows... don't sit in wheel chairs if you don't have to or your baby will be born with back problems or gonna be very accident prone... got the don't call other kids ugly one too...the baby on back one I heard was only to go to bed... if you're seperatrd from your baby daddy and you're on bad terms with him baby will be his spitting image... if baby throws something more than twice don't give it back... lolz
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  • My cats are gone cyots got them
  • Got that putting kids to sleep on back is the best. I would put my son to sleep on his stomach and she would come in later and flip him....eating spicy food makes your baby rude or babies born with bright pink or red lips mean you'll have a smart aleck...and if you're about to deliver and the baby's not in the right position to put a radio between your legs for them to get into proper position
  • Lol well my mom just told me that I was gona have a girl cuz my face was getting fat!
  • If I ate too much chocolate, my baby will come out dark.
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  • edited February 2011
    I was told that if a pregnant woman doesn't get what she craves it might show up as a birth mark on the baby! The weird thing is when my sisinlaw was pregnant with her baby girl she craved cherries and my bro was like just eat something else nothing is gonna happen if you don't get it. No joke but when my niece was born she had a red mark in the shape of a cherry on her bottom lol! when she became a year old it went away though :^o
  • Wow! Who comes up with this crazy stuff!?! I have never heard of most of that. Weird!
  • @Mama_Kat ppl can be really silly, Idk where my mom got that from. Lmbo! My hubby aggravates purposely because he believes my son will look & act more like him.
  • Well I have done the red thing on forehead for hiccups for my daughter but I used paper any red paper and it worked to be honest....that's crazy about the funeral thing cause I concieved my daughter sept 11th 2006 and my friend passed away 2 weeks later obviously I went to the funeral and to this day my daughter sleep with her eyes open and looks as if she was dead whenshe sleeps.....may just be a coincidence but id never heard of that saying very weird
  • Lol yeah i believe that if your mad at your bd the baby will look more like him.
  • I hate wen ppl tell me i need to eat red meat for iron. I havent eaten red meat in 4 yrs n the smell of it makes me so sick! N isnt tht y i take prenatal pills? O_o. Vegetarians have babies all the time lol
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