Silliest/worst "advice" you have gotten so far?



  • If I don't take my prenatal vitamins my babys skin will be extremely light.
  • We moved today and my MIL told me not to raise my arms above my head at all bc it will wrap the cord around the baby. Did she not notice that I pretty much sat in the recliner ALL DAY and supervised anyway?
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  • LOL.. that's what I asked. & she said an oreo. Lmao
  • that i can't go near a garden or living plants...toxins in my body will kill all the plants!

    Oh and about the cats taking the breath away from babies...people have twisted that story over the years...but it is supposed to be valid....they don't acutally suck the breath from the baby..but if the baby is playing on the floor the cats sometimes curl up on the babies back (if they are on their tummies obviously) and thats how they take thier breath.... b/c they are so small it suffocates them:( My cat's not inside kitty!
  • We used to have a cat. It would pounce on me and claw me when I was learning to crawl. Ass hole. I hate cats.
  • @Jwigs
    LMAO too funny!
  • @jwigs lol! 5 cats n none never bothered my baby, in fact they would hide!
  • Maybe I have the cause and effect backwards. The cat didn't attack me because it hated me... maybe I was just born a dog person and the cat could tell I hated it. Who knows who hated whom first. It's a chicken or the egg type question for philosophers.
  • @Jwigs u r too funny! Can I get you to post every time i need a laugh?!?!?! :)
  • Well the baby on back thing is for when they are sleeping. If you keep a child in the bassinet or crib all day long on its back it could possibly turn flat. Happened to a cousin of mine. But she was/is a lazy mom anyways. My kids when they slept on their back though would alternate the head from side to side so I dunno. Then again I held my children a lot, which, if you do according to my mother that makes them become dependant on you. Wasn't true in my case but I could see it happening.
    To the ladies that heart heartburn gave your children hair. Ha. I had heartburn so bad that I ended up with acid reflux and my daughter was born bald and stayed that way for nearly two years. Prolly why I have a hard time cutting it now. Lol.
  • I was told not to eat ice because it would freeze the baby. As if it would still be ice when it hit my stomach anyway!
  • I do what I can, @vanalkr
  • I was told by madonalds boss if i eat as many hamburgers as i am thro out my whole pregnancy my baby will look like one i was like wtf how rude lol cant help it if i crave them
  • Ha, a coworker peeked in on me the other day to see if I had turned into a cheeseburger.
  • Lol obviously u hadnt lol
  • I wasn't pregnant, I had just given birth about a week prior, to my 3rd child. My friend was staring at me while I was nursing. I asked after about 10mins because I started to get uncomfortable with her eyes on my breasts what was up. She said 'you really shouldn't breast feed...your breasts are so...well, really large that you'll suffocate the baby.' I felt my jaw drop to the floor. Really?!
  • Oh, not to mention I nursed all my kids, with the exception of my last one (4th due to in depth medical issues) until they were each 18mos. She had 1 child, bottle fed, didn't even change her childs poopy diapers because it made her 'gag'. Yeah, umm...did I mention my child that was in immediate danger of suffocating from my breasts in almost 6yrs old? Some people have the craziest, irrational, insane theories. I'm on #5 (last), my breasts have gotten even larger (from a 32F to now a 34 F-G).
  • I was always told your kids will turn out 10 times worse than you were. God I hope not, me & my husband are in for one hell of a ride.
  • @momofthree girl, you and me both. My baby will be the antichrist if that is true.
  • @jwigs mine too! They already have tempers from hell I'm dreading the teenage years!
  • My parents always told my sister her child would be 10 times worse than she is. It came true, unfortunately my parents have custody of my niece so they are dealing with it and not my sister. My parents warn everyone to be careful what they wish for.
  • I was always told not to tickle my babies feet or they will develope a stutter. If I worry about another childs bad behavior mine will come out just like it...
  • Oh my god I used to tickle my little boys feet all the time he's 4 now and gets a shutter now and again! I won't be tickling this babies feet! Lol
  • * *stutter not shutter
  • I heard staring at a babys pic will help ur baby come out looking like that
  • My baby if its a boy will have aspergers like his daddy my friend asked me if i would put my child in care i was like hell no ive been with hubby 12 yrs think i can live with my baby having it to she was like well dnt invite me round i dnt wanna catch it
  • Oh wow. Your girl is specialized. That's a pretty crazy question to ask to begin with.
  • I got a new one girls! Today a stripper told me "you could get double tips and the music will stimulate your babies brain".

    :) lol
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