When to Stop??/

edited April 2012 in Breastfeeding
I am so over this nursing, My daughter is 7 months with two sharp teeth that seems to bite me every chance she gets. Time to start weening her off, however she has never had formula and I doubt if she will ever drink it. She is soooo high maintance. HELP ME PLEASE!?

BTW I hope everyone is doing well, havent been on here in months!


  • I didn't think my daughter would take formula at 5 months either, but she did and loves it. You can mix formula and bm 50/50 to get her used to it if she wont take it.
  • You can't just pump
  • @newmomma13 I do pump while I am at work or if I am away from her for a period of time, however I dont think I will be able to pump enough for strickly bottle feeding.

    @tinka1326 I guess I will have to try it, I just dont want to mess up her digestive system or anything, as soon as my son wen to formula it changed.
  • If you build up your supply over a week or so taking fenugreek, drinking mothers milk tea and drinking lots of gatorade i guarantee u that your supply will skyrocket and u should be able to pump enough for all her bottle feedings....just pump every chance u get!!
  • Well formula has certainly changed my daughters poop. But its getting better slowly. Cutting out feeds rather than cold turkey and weaning slowly is best for both of you and will reduce tummy problems... Goodluck :-)
  • Give advice....wow stupid phone
  • Pump and give it to her in a bottle
  • A boobie time out every time she bites! Or pump?
  • My son is 6.5 months and we have just started cutting out breast feeds. Honestly I was just over it. My goal was four months and I surpassed that! So I completely get what u mean by being over it.

    I just started mixing 50/50 in his bottles during the day and nursed at night for a few weeks...now he takes formula during the day and nurses at night. I'm not sure how much longer I'll do that but here soon I want to be completely done!

    It's up to u when u want to be done....and honestly don't feel bad about it bc u deserve a metal for how long you've done it!
  • Yeah I think I am going to just try to get my milk supply up, I do drink mothers milk but not like I should. Vodka makes me engorged for some reason lol, but I dont drink like that. I know she is going to give me a hard time because she already bangs her head against my chest when she is ready to eat. But thanks you guys. I would have responded sooner but there isnt an app for the iphone ugh!
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