When to Stop??/
I am so over this nursing, My daughter is 7 months with two sharp teeth that seems to bite me every chance she gets. Time to start weening her off, however she has never had formula and I doubt if she will ever drink it. She is soooo high maintance. HELP ME PLEASE!?
BTW I hope everyone is doing well, havent been on here in months!
BTW I hope everyone is doing well, havent been on here in months!
@tinka1326 I guess I will have to try it, I just dont want to mess up her digestive system or anything, as soon as my son wen to formula it changed.
I just started mixing 50/50 in his bottles during the day and nursed at night for a few weeks...now he takes formula during the day and nurses at night. I'm not sure how much longer I'll do that but here soon I want to be completely done!
It's up to u when u want to be done....and honestly don't feel bad about it bc u deserve a metal for how long you've done it!