does anyone have Hpv?

edited February 2011 in Health
I found out I had hpv almost 3 years ago, and had no symptoms until I got pregnant, now I have warts:( but my doctor said its bc all my hormones are going crazy and they will go away or I can get them removed. So I'm at the doctor about to get them removed... anyone else going through this?


  • I found out i have hpv back in 09' when i was pregnant with my 2nd now preg with my 3rd n so far no warts or nething....when i was preg with my 2nd i didnt have warts either. I hope all goes well n im def gunna ask my doc bout hormones causing me to have warts.
  • I have hpv. Never had any warts or bumps ever, not even with my first pregnancy. I did however develop severe dysplasia during my pregnancy that I had to have removed after. The hormones sped up the process of the developing cells. Now I'm high risk for this pregnancy because of 2 leeps and one cone biopsy! :(
  • I have it. Had to have a leep in 2009. Paps have been normal since. Now Ive had 3 skin tags appear along my panty line. Its sucks. Dr said they can remove them or they will prob just go away.
  • I have it. This is my first.pregnancy and I haven't had any problems. Is it true that you can pass it to your baby during labor?
  • Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who has it! And no you can't pass it to your baby:)
  • yea the warts are annoying but I didn't have them til now, I have had them for about a month
  • I had it 2009 had a leep so far the clear im 10wks nervous.
  • I had it in 2003 after my first son I didmt know what thy were and I would pick them,i was 16 then now im on bby#4 and I havent seen them since(knock on wood)
  • Good Luck Ladie! HPV is more common than you think, over half of sexually active people have it. But, I thought HPV was supposed to go away? How long is that supposed to take?
  • @cadymj27 Most women clear the virus before they even know they have it and it causes no damage. Then there are the lucky ones, like me, that are carriers. It may never go away. I have already had 2 leeps and a cone biopsy. Haven't had a normal pap since the birth of my son in 2006.
  • Well in the medical field, its like the commoncold. I don't know much about it, but I know officialsdont wanna send people in an uproar by telling everyone they have it. Theytry to make it not sucha big deal when they diagnose it.
  • @cadymj27 Thats usually how I explain it. Couldn't have said it better. Women get dysplasia from hpv and the docs dont tell them it's from hpv.
  • I have had it since 1993. I've had 2 leeps done 10yrs apart. On my third preg now no problems. Clear paps since.
  • What is a leep? I just got back from the doctor and they can't remove them bc I'm pregnant so they are going to give me cream. But they found somethin on my cervix and they took 3 pieces and are testing them to see if its just a wart, but now I'm in pain:(
  • I have hpv as well. I had it on my cervex before I got pregnant I believe dysplacia is abnormal cells on your cervex which is what they remove during a biopsy. Also, my cervex is fine right now.. but I do have the strand of hpv that causes warts.. I didn't know I had that strand until it popped up when I got pregnant. But to Steph, I've had a few since I've been pregnant and my doctor has removed all of them .. either with the acid treatment or by simply numbing it and removing them.. that's strange your doc said they couldn't? Good luck ladies! Its so annoying can't wait for this to be gone after the baby!
  • @cadymj27 dysplasia is the changing of cells from normal to abnormal. They can be mild, moderate, or severe depending on the amount of change. Dysplasia is a precancerous condition that can lead to cancer if left untreated. There is an hpv vaccine now, that I wish had been around sooner. In my case the hpv isn't clearing and it's causing dysplasia in different places. No fun at all!
  • Gardisil? I have heard reallybad things about it.
  • I haven't heard anything negative. For me, it would have been worth it to possibly prevent all that I have been through. I barely have any cervix left and starting at 13 wks I have to go to doc every 2 wks to check cervical lengths. I'm really nervous about making it through this pregnancy. All this because of hpv.
  • What is hpv if u dont mind me askin
  • Human papilloma virus. It's basically an std. Most of the population have it and have no problems, others, like myself, do. Tons of different strains, that either cause warts or cervical changes that lead to precancerous cells on cervix. If you've had normal paps your probably fine.
  • @new_baby_in_oct I pray everything continues to go well for you. I'm sure they have corrective meds in clinical trials as we speak. I hope they are able to assist you.
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  • I have adnormal pap smear but they don't wanna bother until I give birth my doc said nothin to worry abt but I'm. Still worried
  • Someone said skin tags? I have one that appeared :( now I'm scared :'( my pap isn't until a couple months
  • Acid treatments can be done. Im on baby 4 and nothing since baby 1.
  • @ashes I have had skin tags since I can remember and have never had an abnormal pap my dog says as long as they don't hurt my they are fine but she can remove them if I want. But they won't cause any probs during labor and not caused my an std.
  • I found out I had the strain of hpv that causes warts when I was about 8 weeks pregnant. I felt it when I wiped.(tmi ) dr said it was hormones that caused a flair up. He said just to keep an eye on them. I am now 25 weeks and their gone. They went away on their own...
  • P.S skin tags and warts are way different. I don't have hpv and never have.
  • @steph_s90 I have it and when I had my first I saw the warts... I freaked but my doc wouldn't do anything til after the 6 week check up after delivery. Well I bugged her so she gave me cream earlier... but I didn't need it all of a sudden when I would pee they would just fall off. Either in toilet or on tissue. Gross yes. Painful no. And they are all gone now.... well for now
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