Sleep through the night.

edited April 2012 in Sleep
So my daughter is 4 1/2 months and wakes up 2 or 3 times in the middle of the night. We usually just give her a bottle and as soon as she finishes it shes back to sleep. Well I would love for her to start sleeping through the night (as I'm sure we all would) but most importantly I don't want to give a bottle anymore just bc she gets trush super easily even though we sanitize daily and wipe down her mouth. I really think it's because of the bottle thing in the middle of the night. And she doesn't like her paci. So are there any tricks I can try to "train" her to just sleep or go back without the bottle? Thank you!


  • Wow @jules I wish I knew the trick for bottle fed babies. I breast feed so I know its a lot different. Try a nice bath right before the bedtime bottle. You will be amazed the additional hours they sleep.
  • Routine, routine, routine! Follow one and stick to it like your life depends on it LOL. They'll begin to understand that, for example, bath+lotion+snuggle time+song+kiss = sleep. I did this with both of my kids from the get go and it's worked. Both of them began sleeping 5+ hours at a time as early as 4 weeks.

    As for the thrush part, I'm not sure.about it because my kids have never had it. However, I give my daughter a bottle about 30 minutes before bedtime as part of her routine and have never had a problem. Maybe it's the formula?? Maybe you can try a different kind or brand? Also, maybe try different binky's, I had to try about 4 different kinds with each of my kids and eventually found ones they would take, and enjoy.

    Good luck, hope you're able to find a solution, and a good nights sleep!

  • Like @lilsugarsmomma said, Routine! Evie was 8 weeks old and all over the place with sleeping and feeding so I got a baby monitor, set a VERY strict routine andwithin a week she was sleeping all night 7 till 7.

    Our routine goes like this:
    6-6.30 We have dinner
    6.45 Evies bathtime (Use lavender baby bath-works wonders!)
    6.55 Lotion and Pyjamas
    7.00 Bottle
    7.05 Up to bed.

    She usually falls asleep during her bottle but if she doesnt I still take her up and put her in her crib. She has a projector too which distracts her, so that helps. It was really hard to get stuck on a routine at first as I had to come home earlier etc but it honestly does work. Good luck Mama xoxo
  • @josheviesmum
    Thank you guys ill try that I used to have a routine for her, but then I went back to work and it just got too hard bc I come home at different times but I will go back to it or at least try very hard.
  • edited April 2012
    Never been able to... he just choose to one day last week (he is 6 1/2 months) and has been ever since...
  • I would say routine also. This works for my lo around that age. She's 5.5 months now and sleeps perfectly through the night. She only woke up once at night tho and not 2 or 3. So I would think yours would be just a bit harder because you probably shouldn't take them all away at once. I would do one feeding at a time and after she stops waking for that one...then do another feeding. When she wakes for a bottle just pat her back, and other things to soothe her back to sleep. It will take time.
  • @jules... Is your LO going through a growth spurt.
  • @ynvish she may be but I don't think so I think she just had one and is just in the habit now of waking up at certain times plus she added on midnight for past week.
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  • If you take out those night feedings tho its important to make up for them during the day. My lo eats 30-32ozs and doesn't wake up at night.
  • @josheviesmom
    Thank you guys for the advice she just started doing it and I really think it was the, routine bc her dad wasn't doing it with her bc I've been working a lot more., but I did her routine last night and she didn't wake up for that first feeding and woke up the second one and went right back to sleep with her paci . And I always make sure she eats plenty of oz and food throughout the day I would never take away food from her I just knew it was that I put her in a bad habit bc I would hear her wiggle and would run with a bottle so she started thinking shes supposed to wake up just so I can feed her. She did amazing for the first real night with routine and all. Thank you again for support :)
  • @homebirthadvocate thank u a agree with that, but shes always been sleeping through until I started work and no routine do she started waking up I though she needed food but she was just awake. Now I know she just wanted her paci and one of the feedings she sleeped right through. Plus I asked my doc about it on monday bc she had to get some shots and she said it was ok but I wanted to get help from other mothers.
  • Good to hear!
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