Tummy time?

edited April 2012 in Babies
How much tummy time does your 5/6 month old get?


  • At that age naliyah was already sitting up...I was giving her tons of tummy time so that she'd learn to roll over both ways before that
  • My lo is 5.5 months and she's not sitting up. She tries but she falls after about 30seconds. She can pull herself up tho. She can roll both ways but she never does. She hates tummy time tho. I can't get her to do it for more than a few minutes because she gets so upset. @newmomma13
  • I just set him on the floor and let him do his thing. He rolls a lot so is exploring and entertaining himself. So he's on his tummy most of the time.
  • My daughter is 4 1/2 months and she does tummy time every day. She hated it when we first started. But then I kinda would do a little longer every time and rub her back, or pat her on the butt she loves that so it helped her like it better. Plus I bought her special toy that has mirror and music and lights. And I noticed she liked it more when one of us is on the floor with her. I would try that if you want her to have more tummy time.
  • Jack gets maybe 30 mins total a day. He hates it! He can sit up by himself as long as i sit him up. I've noticed that tummy time before bed has really helped with his gas problem. And he knows how to roll both ways, but he rarely does it.
  • Have you tried putting something entertaining in front of her? If you have a Boppy plop her in there on her tummy that's how I got naliyah to start liking it... as far as the sitting up just keep practicing with her and that's good that she can pull herself up though
  • @newmomma13 yea she has a play mat that has tummy time toys connected. We don't do it often tho so I guess that's why she hates it. I'll try the hoppy idea tho.
  • Oh ok well yea try and do it more often and the boppy so she gets use to it
  • Never gave my son tummy time. He was already sitting up and rolling around at that age.
  • We do tummy time daily. She likes rolling so most of the time she rolls back and forth. She sits up by herself, as long as you sit her down. She hasn't tried pulling herself up yet. She likes laying on her boppy.
  • My daughter just turned 6 months, she rolls constantly but spends most of her time on her belly. She cant sit up for more than a few seconds unassisted because she gets too excited and kicks and flaps her arms and falls over lol
  • Then and now, 7 months always on her belly...she sits in her own and worms/crawls and starting to pull herself up on things
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