My LO is driving me...



  • @candy101 I have the same problem to girl...I want to transition but gotta see what my bf says
  • @newmomma13. It is my fault AJ is in our bed. I had him sleeping all night in his crib at 2.5 months. But I was not sleeping so I moved him closer to me now I am lucky to get 4 straight hours. Funny I thought I was a truck driver we don't get to sleep having a baby would be a cake walk. I got tricked!!!!
  • @candy101 yea girl now I wish I would've put Naliyah in her crib from the jump cause now I'm paying for it
  • @newmomma13, She used me as a binkie for about 2 weeks, then she went back to her normal self. She wakes at 3 and 6 for a 5 to 8 minute feeding. I know I'm in for a heck of a ride when it comes to both weaning from sleeping with momma and overnight feedings, ugh!

    I do look at it this way... I know it's only for a short time and before I know it she'll be in 1st grade. So, I actually try to remind myself often and try not to take it for granted. I'm loving every moment!

    @candy101, I too have a california king and I sleep on about 10 inches, lol. I also have huge boobies and must stay awake during a feeding. By the time she's done I'm awake. Oh, and it's just her and I on the bed, dad sleeps on the couch.
  • edited May 2012
    Yea that's so true...I want to start transitioning her and cutting out night time feedings but Idk if she's too young
  • My sons the same way he's only 6months 3wks all night long he wants boob I'm going crazy
  • Oh that's too funny! Are you using the right size? I know my lo wouldn't take hers and it was driving me crazy. So I decided to buy a bigger size and we have been golden since. I wish lo would take naps in her crib but she refuses to only sleep in it at night.
  • Yeah, we tried a larger size. She's just not a binkie baby. I would say she plays with one for a total of about 10 min/week.

    If I could only get her to stop eating at 3 am, I'd be one happy momma.
  • Girl,I completely understand! We co sleeo as well and don't use bottles or pacifiers. I'm the pacifier alllllllll night. My back is killing me:( glad i am not alone,makes me feel a little better!
  • @TattdUp_KnockdUp, how old is your little one?
  • Same here! Charlie is now ten months and still uses me as a paci :( dont know how the hell to get him off me and sleep all night by his self :(
  • @mijita almost 9 months!
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