My LO is driving me...

edited April 2012 in Breastfeeding

She is now 9 months and wants to pacify ALL night long. I have tried the bink, which she absolutely hates, I have tried letting her cry -- she wins everytime! I want to transition her to her own bed (we co-sleep), and hubby thinks she's too small, ugh. Where's the support when you need it?!?!

I need SLEEEEEEEP!! Wahhhhhh... :-S


  • I'm going through the same thing!! My son starts screaming as.soon knows I'm going to put him down in the crib!
  • @EricaK22, she sleeps fine in her crib during the day. My hubby is not ready to have her on her own. I guess he really likes the couch, because that's where he's been since Lily was 2 weeks old. My problem is she wants to suck suck suck all night long. I'm so tired.

    I feel your pain!!!
  • Have you tried different pacifiers?
  • Yea I agree with @bigbelly david would only use a Nuk and Aadyn will only use a soothie (which he loves and is probably closer to the shape ur baby is used to)
  • And maybe have the crib right next to the bed to begin with so its easier for baby to transition
  • @bigbelly, she will play with them during the day when daddy gives it to her, but the moment I try to put it in her mouth she either clamp shuts her mouth, pushes me away, or grabs it and throws it. She knows the boob even in her sleep. I'm so worried about her teeth. I don't want them to stain because she pacifies all night. Sigh!
  • How long did you let her cry before you gave in? When david was about a year old (he had been in his crib since 6 weeks) we were breaking him of binky and he screamed for over 2 hours. Of course I went in to comfort him, but I didnt pick him up. Its sooo heartbreaking & hard to do, but if you decide to do it, you cant give in or you just wasted a bunch of time with a crying baby for no reason lol. Oh, and by the 2nd night, he cried for half an hour and didnt cry at all on the 3rd night. It is VERY hard for a mommy to do though :(
  • @DavidnAadynsMama, she likes the Avent for short periods. She's not a binkie baby, never has been. She only started taking it with hubby at around 7.5 months, and only because I was working on my thesis and he had her for long periods. I know trying different binks will only be a waste of time and money.

    Hubby suggested the crib in room, I just know that'll be an epic failure. Lily is just too smart for her own good. Plus she had mommy well trained! #-O
  • @DavidnAadynsMama, that's my dilemma! Hubby refuses to let her cry. She has never been a cry baby anyways. She's got the best temperament and patience and is very independent. However, once bed time comes she wants that boob and mommy next to her. I have tried the crib but she will only stay asleep for 20 minutes max (at night). Even tho she'll sleep in it 3 hours during the day. I don't get it.
  • Lol yea, babies are pretty good at training mommy & daddy without us even being aware until its too late. Ive had more trouble with aadyn than I ever had with david. The only way we could get him out of our bed was to let him sleep in his papasan swing RIGHT NEXT to our bed lol. I think we may have created a monster. A cute, chubby, "spoiled", little monster lol
  • My hubby didnt handle the crying very well either. I finally convinced him to just let me try it my way. After you make sure they have a clean diaper and arent hungry, then you KNOW they are crying for the boob. Once you make up your mind, you have to stick with it. Jmo
  • edited April 2012
    @DavidnAadynsMama, I agree! I'm suffering from PPD and I'm in therapy. My therapist brought up a very good question during our last session. She asked if I was making this difficult because I'm not ready. Hmmmm... I sure feel ready.
  • I think its the stage.. cause @kindell and me are also going through the nightmare
  • @YNVTish, Crazy how it just started out of the blue! Thanks for the heads-up. I may have to wait for the transition to crib when this phase tapers. Hope its a short ride, as I'm already dizzy.
  • Naliyah has been driving me crazy too cause she's teething...her eye teeth are coming in
  • I had that going on 2 weeks ago I fiknally transitioned him into his bed and it is pure heaven...he is 8 months
  • @preggointx how did the transition go
  • My lo likes the tommy tippe ones..they are supposedly shaped like your nipples. My lo is bf too. Maybe try nursing her to sleep and then do the switch. Good luck!
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  • Maybe take side off crib and put up to your bed?
  • Oh my god this is me! Mine is also 9 months and also sleeps with me and also uses me all through the night! I want my bed back, I want my night back and I want me time back. My partner also hates him crying and calls me cruel so dnt know what to do :(
  • @trixiesmom8, oh she's too smart for her own good! Even in a dead sleep she knows I'm trying to slip her the binkie. :O

    @HomeBirthAdvocate, my hubby is worthless. I talked to him about the transition and told him to please just go comfort her without picking her up and try to give her the binkie. He says, "I'll just rock her to sleep." Which means she would be in his arms the whole night. UGH! #-O

    @2ndbutfirst, believe me you're fortunate. A nap is a lot shorter than a looooong good nights sleep!

    @Bahamamama4828, that's useless as she my leech when she sleeps!

    @tashalou, I keep changing it into a positive and saying that it's only temporary. When she's 18, I'm gonna miss these days and they will be a memory of the past.

    I started feeding her more protein before bed. I am not sure if it is a fluke but last night she woke only twice for the boob. I fed her a higher protein meal for dinner tonight, so we shall see if last night was a fluke. Fingers crossed! [-O<
  • Breastmilk helps prevent cavaties. So no need to worry about that right now.
  • @Proudmommy8789, yeah, but the sugar also stains the teeth. I don't want that.
  • It shouldn't stain the teeth. Cavity issues are mostly genenic.
    May I ask where you heard that ? @mijita
  • @Bahamamama4828, her pediatrician and the dentist. I'm sure its prolonged abuse, but its very bothersome to me. She's mentioned it and I did research and can't really find too much evidence to support it; however, it still worries me like crazy.
  • Oh gotcha. Sometimes antibiotics can cause stains. I've never heard of bm though in my training:)
  • How has it been going I want to transition Naliyah cause she wants to paci on me all night
  • My lo screams if I try to slip him a bink. I am actually trying to transition him now we have a king size bed with only us in it and I end up on about 2 inches every night. I swear he chases me in his sleep. About a month ago he started using me all not long. I have large breasts so I can't just give him a boob and sleep. I have to Stay up to make sure I don't plug his nose.
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