My LO is driving me...
She is now 9 months and wants to pacify ALL night long. I have tried the bink, which she absolutely hates, I have tried letting her cry -- she wins everytime! I want to transition her to her own bed (we co-sleep), and hubby thinks she's too small, ugh. Where's the support when you need it?!?!
I need SLEEEEEEEP!! Wahhhhhh... :-S
She is now 9 months and wants to pacify ALL night long. I have tried the bink, which she absolutely hates, I have tried letting her cry -- she wins everytime! I want to transition her to her own bed (we co-sleep), and hubby thinks she's too small, ugh. Where's the support when you need it?!?!
I need SLEEEEEEEP!! Wahhhhhh... :-S
I feel your pain!!!
Hubby suggested the crib in room, I just know that'll be an epic failure. Lily is just too smart for her own good. Plus she had mommy well trained! #-O
@HomeBirthAdvocate, my hubby is worthless. I talked to him about the transition and told him to please just go comfort her without picking her up and try to give her the binkie. He says, "I'll just rock her to sleep." Which means she would be in his arms the whole night. UGH! #-O
@2ndbutfirst, believe me you're fortunate. A nap is a lot shorter than a looooong good nights sleep!
@Bahamamama4828, that's useless as she my leech when she sleeps!
@tashalou, I keep changing it into a positive and saying that it's only temporary. When she's 18, I'm gonna miss these days and they will be a memory of the past.
I started feeding her more protein before bed. I am not sure if it is a fluke but last night she woke only twice for the boob. I fed her a higher protein meal for dinner tonight, so we shall see if last night was a fluke. Fingers crossed! [-O<
May I ask where you heard that ? @mijita