Gerber Graduate puff thingys....

edited April 2012 in Solid Foods
The ones that dissolve. I know the box says crawler but I want to know what age I can give them to my baby?


  • A good way to start them is to bite them in half. If baby chews it well, then move up to whole ones. No need to worry, babies have really sensitive gag reflexes. Shoot, I think the guidelines on Gerber foods are like doctors growth charts. Every baby is different and not all "fit in". My baby had them at 5 months.
  • @fate yea my bby will 6months next week. I started to buy some today. I thought it was ok now but the crawler sign threw me off.
  • I bought some for my son he is 7 months, but I haven't opened them because he isn't crawling. I think I'll try them soon anyways!
  • LOL, my daughter eats the toddler stuff haha. I think if they're ready for it, go for it!
  • My 6mo eats them. She can't even roll over or sit up but man can she chew. She eats the baby mum mum rice rusks all the time too. Earlier she stole my string cheese and was biting off pieces and eating it.
  • I started them at about 5ish months.
  • Keegan is 6 months old and LOVES them. She doesn't have any teeth and is almost crawling (weird one knee, one foot thing) and eats them everyday. They are totally dissolvable (my mom tried them out) so even if she doesn't have teeth to chew, they get broken down into small pieces. Keegan really likes the banana ones and the strawberry apple ones
  • By the way, I chow on the peach ones while she's snacking. So very yummy. ;))
  • @1stwoodsbaby i daughter did the one knee one foot thing for awhile before she started crawling lol
  • @cupcake22 I can't help it, really. When I open them, that sweet aroma rushes up my nose and my hand involuntarily goes for some snacks. I shouldn't even be talking about them. :-ss Dang goodness!
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