i think im in labour?? advice please

edited April 2012 in Labor
Ok this is my second bub but my first was posterior so totally dif labour. I am due to be induced in 3 days but didn't want to be so my ob told me to use castor oil. I took a small dose (am 41weeks) and after going to the toilet 3 times contractions started hardcore. About half an hour later they started to become not so ridiculous and started to feel like the start of normal labour. Its now been 3 houra and they are getting worse very very slowely. I think I have an irritable uterus because when I was in labour with my first, if I moved I would have a contraction. Atm if I move, I'm having one after another. If I stay still there not as strong and every 5 mins. I thought I wld try to sleep to find out if it was false labour or real but I just can't! I'm wide awake and in pain!! I'm still not convinced though.. what do u guys think? Owwww here comes another one! So much pressure in my but, back and my hips feel like there pushing apart and bubs head is pushing on my cervix...


  • If u feel.pressure on ur butt then u should go in.. its better to b safe then sry. Good luck hun
  • @jen91811 oh I'm def not ready for hospital yet lol. Its still early stages n my hospital is 40mins away. They will just send me home. My last labour was 29hrs so I'm thinking I have a few more hours at least. Its only been 3 and a half. Thanks hun x
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  • @homebirthadvocate thank you so much. I was actually thinking of tagging u to ask u lol. Its 3am here and I have had about an hours sleep befor contractions started and every thing I read says get sleep!! But I felt like that would slow everything down so I wasn't sure :s I've walked for about 20mins, had a very long shower sitting and standing, walked around the house, and straddled a chair. I'm now laying down but don't see a point as I can't sleep. She is anterior this time :) so hopefully this doesn't take all day!!
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  • @mama_kat sore lol!! Still about the same maybe a little stronger. Me and my sis played wii sports for a bit so I was getting a heap of contractions but I'm over the wii now. I just want it to speed up already! Hmm what to do at 4.20am lol?
  • Hmm? If your playing wii it might be false labor why don't you try going to your doctor first? Maybe she can check.it out?
  • You taking a nap? :)
  • @salesmommy it started way before wii. I'm in labour, just checked myself (cleanhands dw) and my cervix is almost thin and has dialated more. Reason I did this is because my contractions are 3mins apart and lasting 60 seconds so I know they will tell me to come into hospital. But with my daughter, I went in after 22hrs of 3min contractions and I was 3cms. They were gunna send me home.so I just wanted to check if I progressed. I still think it won't happen untill afternoon (its 6.40am here) but I'm gunna go to my mums soon and wait it out there. It bloody hurts soo much now lol!! Wish me luck ladies!!
    @fate nope couldn't sleep. My contractions are too strong :(
  • Good luck. Since ur 41 weeks its most likely the REAL thing. Just be careful how long u wait to go to the hospital. Second labors usually go by faster. Yay for u getting to meet ur baby SOON!! Make sure to update us. :)
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  • OH YAY!!!!!!! @mummy_to_be I hope it goes quick!! Keep us updated <3
  • Bump?? Update?!
  • Update???
  • @homebirthadvocate, I need some advice. After 9 hours of getting stronger and stronger I headed to the hospital where it stopped and turned into regular braxton hicks lol. So I got checked and she said I was at a 1 which I was 4 days ago. She said my cervix is right up the back and it was almost as long as long as my pinky. (Yeah right!!) I went home and had a nap, still getting a few bh, but I got really upset about it all. So I had a warm shower and checked myself. I did this because in australia, they don't like to intervien in labour. They let u go heaps over and she didn't even wanna give me a membrane sweep! So I didn't believe her and couldn't understand after all those crazy intense contractions that I hadn't progressed at all.
    My findings: I can reach with ease, enough to fit 2 fingers inside my cervix and I sort of felt such an excitement and a bit scared when I felt BABYS HEAD!!! I touched my baby for the first time! I decided not to play around in there after that lol. Jumped out of the shower and told my partner yey!!! If I had someone else do it I would say 3 fingers would fit easily. My cervix is barely the thickness of my pinky aswell..

    WHAT SHOULD I DO??? Walk? Castor oil again? Jump up and down haha? If I go another few cms, labour won't stop will it? I DON'T want to be induce and I'm booked in for 3 days time :( stupid hospital won't do anything to help me along..
  • keep checking in with the doctor you should be going in very soon probably today later in the day if not Monday, by the way it sounds. Good luck hun, keep us posted. :X
  • @aishamusa thanks hun, I hope so! Seriously our docs are hopless. They don't let u in the hospital untill your 5cms and they won't do anything to help it along unless ur over 10days over. Shee said to call back if my labour starts again and I have very strong contractions 5mins apart again.
  • @mummy_to_be update? Hope all is going well, that your either resting or having a baby. Labor Dust :)
  • @heather3rdgirl I'm absoluly miserable :( every braxton hicks I have pushes her head into my cervix and it really hurts after 9hours of "labour".. I've been resting but I'm so anxious and depressed now :(
  • :( Try to take a warm bath and just try to relax
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  • Bump! I'm stalking until baby comes lol ;)
  • Bump! I'm stalking too! Hurry up baby! LOL!
  • OMG! Really?! No update since I last posted at 12:58pm ET?! @mummy_to_be how is everything? Hopefully you have had your baby or atleast at the hospital. Update us please & thank you. I am gonna stalk this post until you do woman.....lol
  • @miaradavis I live in australia lol so I was asleep!!!
    @lilsugarsmomma @mama_kat @salasmommy my cat pooed in my bath lol. I'm so scred even if I bleach it that I will infect my babay haha. Thiink ill just give it another bleach today n just do it. I did a BUTT load of walking and standing when I was in "labour" so I'm very sore and worn out. I have slept lots since so ill prob start walking again today :) we had sex last nite FINALLY haha. Been a while! And I know many people don't agree with it but I have talen a half does (1tbsp) of castor oil this morning so ill keep you all posted. Otherwise medical induction on Wednesday nite :( booo. Oh well as long as I get to meet my little princess and she's healthy, I'm happy! I'm gunna sleep a little more ladies so wish me luck xoxox
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  • Good luck! Excited to hear updates, and see bub!
  • And clean with diluted vinegar so its safer lol
  • Take primrose oil! I swear by it.
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