please offer some help.

edited April 2012 in Breastfeeding
Ok ladies I haven't posted in a long time. Things have been going really well until about a week ago. Jonathan is 8 1/2 months now. He recently cut himself down on nursing. Down to only three times a day. Well in the past week he has not been coming to me to nurse I have to pick him up and convince him basically to nurse, he is only nursing for about three minutes before he is no longer interested or bites my nipple and then laughs.. I've tried every idea imaginable to get him to stop biting me but he still laughs and thinks its funny. At this point I don't know if I should just give up or keep trying and keep getting bit?? He also just bit his older sister today really hard. Sorry for this being so long but I'm at a loss and need help!!


  • How are you reacting when he bites? Next time he does, firmly let him know it's not ok and put him on a boob time out. Keep doing that until he understands it's not ok to bite.
  • I've tried that... He then laughs and no longer wants to nurse.. I think maybe he doesn't want to nurse anymore?
  • I've tried tapping his mouth and saying no no Jonathan that's not nice and owie that hurts mommy. Ice taken him away but as soon as he nurses again he does it again...
  • edited April 2012
    Don't laugh and be very firm and serious! Take him away from boob for 10 minutes. Keep doing it everytime he does it. He'll eventually understand it's a big No-No.

    This is advice given to me by a LC. Be consistent.

    Some babies start to self-wean themselves, although yours may be on a nursing strike, which is only temporary.

    Good luck!
  • Nursing strike is common at this age. Is he eating a lot of solids?
  • edited April 2012
    Good to know! @Bahamamama4828 is the go-to gal!
  • @mijita weird :/ 10 mo is when some start that too. Its not a set "age" :)
  • Lol, maybe I misunderstood. Afterall, I'm a seriously sleep deprived mamma!
  • He eats a lot of solids. Cheerios for a little snack while I help big sister get ready in the morning them he has a big bowl of oatmeal and fruit for snack he has some mum mums or gerber Chretien then lunch time he has a gerber 3rd stage dinner and a vegetable then another snack then dinner which is another bowl of oatmeal and fruit. He also eats some if what I'm eating all day long
  • OK maybe cut back some on the solids. See if that helps but not at a shocking amount
  • Ok ill give that a try. Thank you
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