i need info on flying rather than driving with LO.

edited April 2012 in Babies
Im going to texas june 23 for a whole week. Its usally a 2 day drive. My son will be 7 months when we go. Ive never flown so im very scared to fly. I need opinions.....


  • I flew alone when my son was 4months old. I was still breastfeeding also. My advice is to try not to pack too much on ur carry on (I went over board). Carrying a baby and holding them the entire flight will make ur arms feel like jello when ur done so last thing u need is added weight to carry.
    When u go thru security line pull out ur bottles full of water or breast milk or any juice u bring. They just check to make sure it's save...no biggie. I carried my son in a moby wrap which was helpful. There is not much room on the plane for a huge diaper bag that I opted to bring (the large Vera Bradley one) I couldn't even get in to it while the flight was going bc it was so tight and the bag was too full. Make sure u get an aisle seat bc u have a lil extra room.

    On my way back I flew much lighter and had such a better time. Back diapers, wipes, change of clothes, one or two small toys, bottles, formula, food and a blanket, binki. Honestly the basics..I was just afraid on my layover I was going to get delayed and I would need EVERYTHING haha!

    For some strange reason I got motion sickness on the way there which has never happened to me before and with holding a baby and being sick equals missery. So I made sure to bring med on my way back

    But flighting is much better than driving bc I've tried both with the baby just to see lol. Driving just 8hrs with the six month old was more than I would ever like to do again! (but I travel alone too)
  • I flew to tx when my son was 3 months. Make sure he is always sucking on something for the air pressure.
  • I think flying would be better than driving. I haven't flown with my lo yet and I have only drove like 2 hours so she slept most of the time. We are going to south carolina next summer so 2013 which is a 14 hour drive, but my lo will be a year and half old by then. We are going to try and make it in one day, so she won't be sitting in the car for two days.
  • O flew with my daughter when she was 4 months and it was fine, I packed bottles and just let security know that I bad them they tested it and that was that. I felt bad when she started to cry and then realized people could get over it that's what babies do.

    I also drove 8 hours with her at about 8months it wasn't bad she slept most of the time. We just did that drive again at 11 months and it was HORIBBLE! She cried for about 6 of those 8 hours.
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