ahhh she is sooo not interested in food (unless its on my plate!)

edited April 2012 in Solid Foods
If I try to feed my lo solids she seems totally uninterested! She doesn't like anything. Makes faces at everything. But yet she wants anything I'm eating (idk if she would eat what I have or if she just wants to play)
We had turkey dinner last night and I was going to give her turkey but my moms processor wasn't working so I let her play in my mashed potatoes. She played but had no interest in eating! Didn't even put her fingers in her mouth lol she just mushed it on the plate with her hands.
How do I get her interested? She's 7 months already


  • Bump I'm n the same boat my son is 6months 1 Wrk I always need answers
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  • Food before 1 is just for fun :)
    I would keep giving her food off of your plate and letting her play with it. Even if she isn't eating it she is still learning and when she is ready she will eat.
    Have you looked into baby lead weaning?
    My lo hates pureed so I just give him what I'm having I've even let him pick stuff off of my plate. I steam my veggies so they are soft for him. He isn't a fan of meat yet but that ok. Brocoli he loves.
    Most of it does end up on the floor but some makes it to his mouth. He is 7mo and mainly breastfed and shares dinner, sometimes lunch and or breakfast depending on what I have.
    I have to be very careful with what I give him because of his allergies other wise he could be having such a broader expension of foods.
    I did make homemade sweet potato fries that he chowed down on the other night.
    I wouldn't stress to much over your lo not eating. :)
  • @Littlefae what is baby led weaning?
  • Let me see if I can pull up some links for you :)
    I can be horrible at explaining things.
    But its pretty much you giving them what you are eating. Babies can gum things pretty much just about anything, as if they have teeth, there are things you do to be safe about it.
    But the links will explain more about it.
  • Cool thank you!
  • Awesome! thanks so much @littlefae
  • No problem :) there are even books out there that you can find on amazon.
  • @bahamamama4828 @littlefae what about spices?? We tend to spice things (meat) a lot with marinades and such. Do I need to keep some plain for her? And what about dairy? (Butter in taters, etc)
  • Spices are fine just easy on salt. In India they love their spice! Real butter is OK in moderation as long as you there's no dairy intolerance
  • I lay off of the seasoning with my lo because he does have a lot of allergies/intolerences at the moment. Other wise his food would be seasoned along with mine.
    I season my meat but everything else I can season after I let him pick food off of my plate.
  • This is cool I am so excited to try! Sweet potato chunks tonight :)
  • We also use little to no salt with our foods.
    I miss my spicey food a lot, but if I eat spicey then he projectile vomits for a day :(
  • Oh that sucks @littlefae my lo used to get super fussy with spicy hot food when I ate it but now she's fine :)
  • That's awesome I hope it goes well for you! Try not to freak out if she gags, the trigger to their gag reflex is still towards the center of their tongue. As they get older it moves to the back.
    My guy gags here and there but never chokes. You can tell when they are choking verses gagging. Choking is silent, no breathing, panic.
    Gagging is lots of noise, coughing and spitting or swallowing the food. It can be freaky at first but then you just get used to it and relax. Just keep a very watchful eye and let her explore her food.
    The past couple of times my guy actually didn't gag at all. Though a lot of food does end up on the floor lol
  • Yep its not choking!
  • At what age do u start allowing them to play with food. AJ is six months and my mom tries to give him things but i will not let her.
  • @candy101 6 mo is totally fine
  • @Bahamamama4828 she was NOT at all interested in putting anything in her mouth. all she wanted to do was play with the plate. and when I took that away and put the sweet potato on her highchair tray she just flinged it around and pretty much all ended up on the floor lol. she did find it very amusing when I crawled under the table to clean up though! lmao
  • @heyitsme lol! That'll happen alot
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