What r u going to do when your baby turns one (milk)

edited April 2012 in Ages & Stages
This is not a debate or a place to try to educate each other on what is recommended I just want to know what do u plan to do when your baby turns one. Are you going to continue to breast feed if u are a bm mama (we all know u definitely have the right) if you are a formula feeding mama are you going to transition into whole milk like the WIC peole will tell you to do or are you going to go to the toddler line of milk like I know Similac and enfamil both have? Cartier is 8 months and is really only interested in the bottle at night or when he sees it then he gets it and throws it down. My doctor says its ok as long as he is still getting 3-4 bottles a day along with his jar food. My plan is to transition him to the Enfamil toddler milk at least until he is about 17 or 18 months before I go to whole milk that is just my personal peference but everyone else I know has put there child on regular milk. Truthfully I am hoping my daughter ups my milk process by latching on so when he s one I can give him bm in a cup until almost 2


  • Juliana will be one on the 17th and I just started the transition to whole milk about 2 weeks ago. She was showing no interest in formula and would only drink about 3oz then throw her bottle. She now gets half formula and half whole milk. She drink its all now and we have had no tummy issues or anything.
  • Oh that's an awesome idea! I'm hoping to bfas long as possible. We can't do cows milk because it makes my lo scream in torture. Goats milk is closest to human milk so I'm not sure if she can handle it yet. But I do love me some coconut and almond milk!
  • Toddler milk for Corri too. :)
  • I plan to keep breastfeeding until about 2 years of age before I introduce another milk source. My guy has dairy and soy allergies.
    I'm debating on giving him a try of goats milk at a year and a half of age. But I'm not 100% sure if ill do that or not.
  • edited April 2012
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  • My daughter is starting to turn her nose to the boob :( she's about 10 months. I think I'm going to just pump (also 21 weeks pregnant) and give her that until she is 18 months then transition to whole milk. Does it matter if you use the organic milk or regular? Just curious
  • This is something to really think about... Thanks @preggointx for giving me EVEN MORE to think about .. LOL
  • I plan to keep bfing and then breastmilk in a cup. @mandiixmayhem I'd do organic. Organic is usually hormone free :-)
  • My daughter has allergy to milk so she was on neocate infant..now she is 2year old and I love she on neocate Jr for toddler I don't have to worry about her not getting enough vitamin or about her weight
  • Once they turn one do they drink as much milk as they do formula? That seems like a lot lol. Sorry if I sound dumb, ftm here lol.
  • edited April 2012
    @starrxoxo9 my daughter is very picky with food so she has 4 8oz cups a day..but she on neocate formula for toddlers
  • @starrxoxo9 NO they shouldn't because it prevents proper iron absorption among other things
  • @YNVTish lol I know right
  • @preggointx ... I'm breastfeeding and my.little Haylee is teething and feeling miserable and just wants to pacify on my boobies. I'm looking forward to supplementing my milk. Is probably go with whole cows milk if WIC and my Dr suggests it.

    All I know is Haylee is 9 months and I haven't had NOT ONE break since she was born.

    If cows milk allows it... Bring it on. Jk!
  • @bahamamams4828 so how much? And then should all their nutrients come from food?
  • I plan on breastfeeding as long as possible and then transition to almond milk. She's only 6 months so we have a while to go :)
  • Depends on my lo but if he still dont like formula ill pump and give it in a cup, Im not comfortable with a toddler on my boobs :/
  • edited May 2012
    Toddlers should not exceed three cups of milk, so approximately 24 oz. I believe the recommended is 16 oz, therefore between 16 and 24 oz is average.

    Whole milk has a lot more fat, therefore more filling and they'll get full faster and drink less. So you must make sure to feed nutritious foods to meet their nutritional needs. The fat in milk is essential for brain development until age 2, then you can go to a lower fat milk (if preferred).

  • Thank you @mijita I didn't wanna hijack this thread with info lol
  • @Bahamamama4828, I didn't want to either, but she asked a couple times and I only answered because she did. I wouldn't have just bombarded it with facts since the OP asked us not to. = 0)
  • I think i'm gonna do Silk Almond milk, it's 50 percent more calcium & super healthy
  • @clope18 I think I am too
  • I will still pump what I can and most likely give him a cup of bm at both breakfast and at bedtime and whole milk the rest of the time.
  • My son is 11 months and although he doesnt nurse nearly as much as when he was an infant, I dont see us stopping anytime soon. He sometimes does organic whole cows milk when hes with his dad, mostly just to stretch out the milk that I have pumped.
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