EBF and returning to work ?s

edited April 2012 in Breastfeeding
Im EBF my 3 week old son and pumping freaks me out for some reason cause I'm afraid of not having enough when I return to work.. I go back in four weeks and I started pumping to build a stash but I'm only getting about 1/2oz at a time... Anyone with pointers would be great I dont wanna stop when I go back to work and I wanna have plenty built up so I have no worries when I return


  • Build a stash now. Pump in between nursing sessions. You might end up over producing for a bit. You can take supplements to increase.
  • When pumping, does ur nipples rub the sides of the shield? Ifd so, then you may need bigger shields. Definitely work on a supply. When u go back, you may notice a decrease in supply. I started taking fenugreek (4 pills 4x a day) and my supply is maintained. When Jordan started eating more and when my supply ran out (I wasn't prepared and didn't have enough) ,I had to start taking domperidone. Its a prescription that helps ur supply. So that plus the fenugreek and we're doing just fine. I'm going on 6months breastfeeding and 3.5mos of breastfeeding /pumping 3 x a day while at work.
  • I mean definitely work on a stash. Cuz like now we mix breastmilk or sometimes formula with rice cereal. Or sometimes he'll down a bottle and will like an extra ounce. In my case, when he was younger he was sometimes getting 4 bottles while I could only pump 3 times. So that's what killed my stash.
  • Pumping several times a day now won't take away from what he needs to eat will it? @bahamamama4828

    @alilboulding nope I'm a very small boobed girl lol so no problem with needing different shields.. And thanks for the info!
  • No it won't. You're never truly empty. :)
    Haha small boobed here too!
  • @bahamamama4828 thanks! I worked really hard to get him to breastfeeding and don't want anything getting in my way to continue... He was premature and needed formula in the hospital because of blood sugar issues so it took me almost a week to get him to latch
  • Oh yes the ole low blood sugar crap. Lol. That's easily fixed with just colostrum btw :( I'm not a fan of hospitals who do that.
    I had a preemie too 2.5 yrs ago took me months to get him to latch
  • @bahamamama4828 I didn't know that :( they told me he would burn too many calories trying to nurse.. Ugh I'm just glad I was able to make it work
  • That's good I'm glad :)
  • @lilbit01_209, here is the post that may answer your question.
  • edited May 2012
    I was worried too and everything went fine for me. Check out Kellymom.com on the Web. They have a whole section about this. You don't want to use frozen unless you really have to. It would be better to add a extra pumping session in the morning or night if you don't pump enough during the day. You want to pump what your lo eats daily or your supply will slowly decrease. It is on that site. That being said you do need a fro zen stash for when you spill some or have an emergency and need to pump and dump for awhile. That happened to me when I had an emergency appendectomy. I was thankful I had enough frozen that I could pump and dump when I couldn't feed her. Check out that site though. They have a section just for working pumping moms..When I started pumping I would only pump an ounce or two as well. It slowly increases. I now pump six ounces in the morning, four at lunch, and four late afternoon. My baby is six months and it is perfect. Also they should never eat that many more ounces. As they grow your fat in your milk increases so the ounces won't change that much like formula fed babies do. Let me know if I can ever help you. I have pumped at work successfully for the last four months. It can be challenging but you can do it! :)
  • @mijita and @momaynot Thanks! I have no problem with amount.. I get about 1 oz an hour which the lc said is amazing but when I pump I feel like theres more there but its 'stuck'... my breasts dont feel empty all the way even with massage and squeezing and all...
  • Mine don't either when I pumped. The only time they do is when the baby eats from them.
  • Do you compress you breast as you pump? The sides, both inner and outer and bottom?

  • @mijita Yes. I have been pumping pretty much since he was born (6 1/2m) and ots only been like this for a week or 2 now... Pumps been cleaned, parts cleaned and valves replaced.. all no problem but still feeling the same way...
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