So i had my husbund check me since i went to the docters today and he wasnt there and wont be back untill the 15th!!!! im haveing alot of pressure so i had him check me and he said it was very soft and he could stick his middil finger in up to his first knuckle. Can any one tell me about how many centimeteres that is?? mabey you could help me @HomeBirthAddvacat
How many weeks are you?
if i go by my last menstral (which was very regular) im due in 4 days if i go by the half ass ultrasound they did im 33+4 weeks. But everytime i go the doc just says " oh ya this is a really big baby" and since the start of this pregnancy they say im measureing about a month bigger then th due date! please help i just dont know what to think anymore!! @Bahamamama4828
I havent gone to the hospital because im not haveing regular contractions @SalasMommy they just look at me like im stupied! :"(