Please help! What do or what did you feed your 6 month old?

edited May 2012 in Solid Foods
My daycare lady keeps trying to tell us that we are feeding our baby too much. When we first started with her it was too much formula, and now that we're asking her to start solids at daycare, it's too much.....grr. I'm following our doctors recommendations so i don't really care what she says, but i'm so curious as to why she thinks what she does. So please tell me what your little one's are eating.
Ellie mae is 6 months old tomorrow and she gets formula, 5oz per bottle and typically takes 6 bottles daily for a total of 30 oz. We have been giving her like 1/3 tub of fruits or veg. like 2x daily. (the plastic gerber container). We've been working on getting better with giving her the rice or oatmeal. I told the daycare lady that our goal is 3 meals daily with like 1 tbsp rice, 1/3 tub fruit OR veg at each of the 3 meals. When she eats solids she typically drinks 4oz instead of 5 along with the meal.
Her pediatrician started her on solids at 4 months with the goal that by 6 months she eat solids 3x daily. After reasearching on baby center, gerber, similac, etc....nothing i find makes me think that she is getting anywheres NEAR too much food or formula. What do you think?


  • My daughter is 7 months and eats 4-6oz bottles about 5 times a day and eats a jar of baby food in the morning (fruit) and a jar for dinner (vegetable) and little snacks through out the day like yogurt bites and those gerber puff things I really need to add oatmeal and rice in there somewhere since I get 3 boxes from wic and rarely use it don't even go through a box a month lol.
  • While I don't think it's too much, just remember that food before one is just for fun. They get all the calories and nutrients from breastmilk or formula, so the food isn't necessarily needed.

    Personally, I think you're doing just fine. If the doc recommends that, then keep on doing it. I think the daycare lady sounds lazy IMO!
  • Sounds perfectly fine to me. Evie has 3x 7oz and 1x8oz bottle per day, plus cereal for breakfast, and a jar for lunch, with a couple of spoonfuls of fruit or veg at dinner. Shes 6 months.
  • My daughter is going to be 6 months on the 7th and she drinks 5 or 6 6oz bottles throughout the day and has a tub of stage 1 fruit in the morning and a tub of vegetables around dinner time sometimes with cereal I'm not consistant with the cereal if she finishes the baby food and wants more I give cereal.
  • Mine just turned 7 months today but eats 3tbls of oatmeal and a 8oz bottle for breakfast, 1-2 gerber containers of baby food along with a 6-8 oz bottle for lunch, a 8oz bottle in the afternoon and then 1-2 gerber containers and 6-8 oz for dinner. It varies on how he's feeling at lunch and dinner.
  • edited May 2012
    Why are they questioning you? Are they certified in nutrition or dietetics? Who asked their opinion?!?! YOU have hired THEM to watch you LO. Ugh! I can't stand people that interfere in the mothering of others! Not all babies are alike, therefore CANNOT be compared. What is good for one child may be too much for another!!

    My LO barely started eating a whole 4oz jar at a meal, at 9 months when my friends daughter was eating two 4 oz jars per meal at six months.

    Kindly tell her to mind her own business and to please respect your wishes! You are not there to please her!!!

    Ok... Slowly getting off my soapbox!
  • my son is 7 months. he gets prob 5or 6 6oz bottles. and a small thing of oatmeal mixed with a whole thing of fruit. and a whole thing of veggies for dinner.
  • do they provide the food? they are prob being cheap then if they do . or if you provide the food they are too lazy to feed her
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  • My lo eats 32oz a day AND a stage 2 fruit for lunch and a stage 2 veggie for dinner. Plus about 1/3 of another jar! If your lo is eating to much then mine definitely is! Lol
  • @Mijita Thank you!!! All of my thoughts exactly! I should be able to just tell her our wishes and she should say "okay great" and not question every little thing. Super annoying, huh?

    Thanks for responding everyone, just wanted to make sure what we were doing wasn't so far off from everyone else. Daycare lady always has me questioning myself which is so dumb. I'll remember that mother knows best :)
  • 6 1/2 months and... 2x 5-6oz bottles. 1 container veggies, 1 container fruit, 1 gerber yogurt, 1 baby juice (2 oz) at daycare and 2-3 breastfeeds at home. I pump about 1 - 1.5oz per hr so he gets about 20-26oz a day.
  • @lilbit01_209 Oh boy, my daycare mom would have a heartattack if she saw what your babe was eating, lol! Sounds just perfect to me, and a delicious assortment! How big is he? Thanks for responding!
  • He is TINY!! LOL... He was almost 15lb at his 6 month appt... He refuses a 3rd bottle at school so he get a feeding as soon as thier home. He yells at them if thier feeding another baby and gobbles up his food.. he does get the milk first before food..
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