almost 6 months old (pics)

edited May 2012 in Babies
I can't believe my baby girl will be 6 months old on the 8th! Time is flying by. Only 6 more months and we will be planning her first bday. She is doing so well. She is sitting up on her own, she is trying to crawl. She is sleeping in her own crib at night and doesn't get up at all. We will be starting cereal soon.

How are all your babies doing? How old are they now?


  • Shes adorable!! Jack turned 6 months on the 1st -ish. He can sit up by himself most of the time. He spins around but doesn't try to crawl. He eats 3 solid meals a day and is a chunk.
  • @sands3 thank you! Wow when did you start him on solids? We tried once before but she wasn't ready, she kept pushing it back out with her tongue and it upset her stomach.

    She also rolls both ways too.
  • I started him at 5 months. He always wanted to eat so the dr had me start it. He pushed the food back out a little at first but he was just learning to eat from a spoon. I just kept with it and he did better after about a week. He can roll both ways too but rarely goes tummy to back.
  • So cute she looks like my little girl. Artemis just turned 6 months. She already crawls but I want to hear her say mama so bad I can't wait! What do you want to do for her first birthday? I was thinking about going to a zoo. :-D
  • @sands3 maybe once we start doing it for a good amount of time she will get the hang of it and her belly will be better.

    @beawesome trixie gets on all fours like she is going to and rocks back and forth, then flops to her belly and expire backwards lol. Um idk I haven't thought to much about it. We will probly just have a party with friends and family. The zoo will be fun, we have one close so we got a pass, but haven't gone yet. I know I can't wait till she starts talking either, I swear she says hi lol but no one else believes me.
  • I'm jealous of you guys! My lo still isn't sitting up yet!
  • Ellie Mae will be 6 months tomorrow :) She sits up on her own but has made zero attempts at crawling. She doesn't even really like to be on her tummy. She only rolls from tummy to back and makes no attempt to roll from back to tummy. I'm so excited for her to crawl! She was sleeping through the night but we took a trip to Washington (2 hour time difference from us) and it has screwed up her sleep completely! Ugh :-S
  • @beawesome scoots not expires lol
    @mimii36 awe she will do it soon. She does sit up on her own yet, I have to put her in that position for her to sit.
    @baileygoose awe I hope she gets back in her normal routine soon so you both start getting some sleep soon.
  • edited May 2012
    My lo can sit but not for a long time and not on soft surfaces like the couch
  • Sooo cute!
  • I love the yellow bumbo
  • @mimii36 gotcha! Practice makes perfect:-)
  • @pregnantelf thank you
    @steph_due_101611 thanks I haven't seen that color in stores..we borrowed it from a friend. She loves sitting in it.
  • Aw what a cutie. Lover her cute side swept bangs lol :X
  • @myheartzx3 lol thanks if we don't put them off to the side they get in her eyes..her hair goes down to the middle of the bridge of her nose.
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