confused... bf moms that are pregnant.

I for one am not a breast feeding mother, nor am I pregnant. I was really just wondering about what you do when you breast feed and become pregnant again? Can you continue to breast feed? Is there a certain time to stop by? The reason I ask is because nipple stimulation cause jump start labor, or so I've heard (didn't have any success personally). But what do doctors say about breast feeding while pregnant?


  • You can continue to breastfeed just fine :) It is just even more important to keep an adequate intake of vitamins and fluids. It wont cause preterm labor, but oftentimes your supply will drop due to the excess hormones. When I got pregnant while BFing, I almost lost my entire supply! It was devastating.

    Some docs will tell you to quit. They are idiots. NEVER take breastfeeding advice from a nurse or MD. They undergo no training for human lactation.
  • I have also read that the flavor of the milk changes and some babies won't nurse..but then after you give birth the child starts again...
  • @captivated @ashley_smashley I was more wondering about the preterm labor factor. It's strange how much about our bodies change while being pregnant!
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  • edited May 2012
    No, there's not much risk for increased preterm labor :)

    The only time nipple stimulation is effective for labor is once a woman is already in labor (stalled labor) or whose body is ready and prepared. It wont just shoot ya into labor! (I wish it were that easy!) In order to go into labor, your body and baby's body has to release a chemical simultaneously.
  • I breastfed my oldest til he was 18 months and stopped when I was 5 months pregnant or so because my milk dried up and nursing was painful. I had no problems with contractions, I was told its only a concern if you have a history of preterm labor.
  • I still breastfeed my 10month old, and I'm almost 6 months pregnant. It won't jump start labor unless your bodies ready, but man do my nipples get super sore!!!
  • I just recently stopped breastfeeding, baby is 10 months and I'm 24 weeks and my midwife and OB encouraged me to breastfeed while pregnant. I lost a little weight so decided to stop. Keeping a healthy caloric intake is important. This pregnancy didn't have any issues and I had my youngest at 36 weeks. I was assured that it isn't enough nipple stimulation to cause early labor. I couldn't keep up with the caloric intake. The first trimester I did ok, but the second trimester was really hard. I wish I could have kept going.
  • ^^ yup what they said :)
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