small baby

I was at Target today with my almost 8 month old daughter. Background on her: she had a single umbilical artery and was born at 37 wks. 4 lbs 11 oz. She is a small baby. Now weighing 15 lbs and right on track with all of the milestones. Lady came up to her saying how beautiful she is. She asks how old, i tell her almost 8 months. She then had the nerve to ask me if she was a "midget". How rude! I said no she is just a small baby. I didn't know what to say.


  • Omg ! I wulda been in total shock ! That is completely rude
  • I had someone ask me if my daughter had Down Syndrome. While there is nothing wrong with DS in itself, it upset me. That's messed up. People need to stop flapping their gums when it isn't necessary!
  • People can be idiots!
  • :O how rude!!
  • @lilsugarsmomma wtf why would someone think that????
  • You should have told her that midget is not a nice word and told her that they are called dwarf or little person and to answer your question lady no she a normal baby but thanks for your rude question in the first place. @brittneymcgrew
  • What's wrong with people these days...
  • I just looked at her and walked off. People really have some nerve.
  • im dealing with the same daughter is 9 months old and weighs 15.5 lbs and 26 inches. she was born at 5 lbs. im also dealing with people telling me to stop Breastfeeding because she isn't getting enough.
  • they think she needs formula. her pediatrician says she is staying on her growth curve, and right on with her milestones and development.
    I just tell people she is just the perfect the way God made her!
  • @taztwister84 her pediatrician says she is just fine. Jusy petite,but very healthy. And she is on formula. She weighs 15 lbs now at 8 months. I love her being small!
  • the plus side of our babies being small and growing slow is...we don't have to buy clothes so often! :">
  • I love that part!
  • How rude. People are such idiots!
    @LilSugarsMomma I work with downs kids all the time, and your daughter doesn't even appear to have it! Don't let untrained, uneducated eyes tell you that kind of crap. Your baby girl is adorable!
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