baby led weaning

edited May 2012 in Solid Foods
Who practices? How's it going for you and baby? What type of foods and how often? Does it affect the nursing relationship? Sorry for all the ?s but Aubree will be 7 months old next week and we've tried the mush on a spoon for awhile now and she just doesn't seem interested. I know "food before one is just for fun" but she will chow on a chunk of banana if i give it to her and always wants to eat what I am eating. I'm interested in trying this so any advice on how to get started would be much appreciated.


  • I'm feeling the same way. As a new mom I thought we needed to start solids at 4 months. With my dr pushing towards it we tried and my son loved it at first. He's nown7 months old and has NO interest w baby food. He seems very interested in what I'm eating but I haven't given him anything yet. We've tried the gerber puffs but he doesn't seem to know what to do with them once they r in his mouth and just spits them out.

    I would love some advice too!!

  • I do it.
    Because of his allergies I am limited on what I do give my lo.

    But, I pretty much give him what I am eating. I steam all the veggies so its easier for him to handle (he loves brocoli).
    He has had, greenbeans, brocoli, home made sweetpotato fries, and homemade fries (bakes) for meat I have put it in the mesh thing. He has also had rice, bananas, squash, zuccini and a few others.
    Also with seasoning I don't put salt on anything he will eat and anything (like herds) is very liight. So most of the time I season our foods seperately.

    He hasn't choked but sometimes will gag and at the beginning gagged a lot. People mistake gagging with choking and worry or stop when its not the same. A babys gag reflex is towards the front and center of the tongue, and as they get older it move to the back. So if baby is making a lot of noise, gagging even coughing that is not choking and its best to let them work it out on their own They will either spit out the food or swallow it.

    Most of the food does end up on the floor. He plays with it a lot but that is part of the learning process.

    As far as it effecting our breastfeeding it hasn't. I always nurse first before giving food so my supply hasn't changed at all.
  • Oh, also don't force the food Into their mouths let them touch, play, smoosh their foods. They will eventually try it out
  • Can someone explain baby led weaning to me?
  • image

    Here is,my lo eating brocoli and wild rice. He is 7mo though 6 when I took this photo
  • @Captivated baby lead weaning is when u let your child start to wean him or herself you don't go by age. Strictly by their ques
  • Ohhh okay @littlefae @dra765. I guess we have already done that, lol. He hates baby food and has been eating regular food since 6 months (10 months now).
  • Thanks for all the info @littlefae! (Your son is adorable btw) While I won't push eating solids on her, I am really excited to have this opinion rather than having to feed her processed food from a spoon.
    @dra765 baby led weaning isn't actually weaning off milk. It was developed in the UK and to them the term only means adding solid foods to baby's diet. When it came to the US the term "baby led weaning" stayed the same despite the difference of definition.
  • Sounds the same. Adding foods and eventually baby will eat only foods
  • I have tried but my lo refuses to put stuff in her mouth!!! she just wants to squish it :( even after I give her a taste or try and show her how. I keep saying i need a larger tray all the way around her seat so everything doesnt go to waste lol
  • Well I just wanted to clarify for those who weren't sure. I personally will not be ready to wean my lo for quite sometime. When I originally heard of this method, I was put off by the word "weaning". Instead I tried the homemade baby food purees. Then when she showed little to no interest I did a little research. I read more thoroughly about blw and was informed it didn't mean what I had originally thought.
  • I do baby led weaning with all my kids. We just started with my 6 mo old with pieces of banana and cooked broccoli. It hasnt been too successful but she does suck her tongue for more its so funny. She hasn't quite got the idea of getting food to her mouth. I am a huge fan of this because the jarred stuff has no flavor yuck.
  • Yup, it's all about the babys interest in food. Not forcing them to eat at a magic age, there is no magic age. It is whenever baby is ready.
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  • @TricesBaby HEY!!!!! Where have you been??
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  • I guess I do this without knowing what it was called lol. I pretty much exclusively formula feed (can't breast feed due to previous surgery) until the baby is eating enough solids on their own. I basically skip baby food altogether. All fruit baby food for example is cooked which completely destroys the nutrition. If I could breast feed I would do the blw.
  • You can still do blw while ff @wilsomom..its just skipping baby food and purees all together and letting them learn to eat solids on their own when they are ready.
  • @Bahamamama4828 Well that's what I do then, I just didn't know it. Lol
  • Lol im same as @wilsomom I did this naturally didn't know people had name for it. I've always just watched for ques from my daughter she was very interested in what we were eating at young age so as long as it was healthy and nothing processed we gave it to her. And she's now 17 months great eater there's nothing she doesn't like. Loves all fruits and veggies and just the things we eat as well.
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