Breastfeeding moms opinions

Okay, I personally chose not to breastfeed because of my permanent narcotic medication, but I AM pro breastfeeding. I just want to know what you ladies think of this. Not just the article itself I guess , but the picture and AGE more than anything.


  • As I said, im pro breastfeeding even though I do not, but I honestly think that there is an age where it needs to stop. Jmo, no judgement please
  • edited May 2012
    @ta2edblondie I agree with that too. My husbands first response was "if they are old enough to ask to nurse, thats too old"...but then I reminded him that David asked for "ba ba's" and was still getting them. So to me, that wasnt a valid arguement. I just think that there is an age to stop. The child in the photo was 3 years old. What would people say to me if my 3yr old was still getting bottles??
  • I agree with all of that except one thing, which I respectfully disagree. I bottle fed both babies and there is still a bond. I still held them and gazed into their beautiful eyes at 3am, and at all hours day and night. Its hard to take a bottle away as im sure it is heartbreaking to stop breastfeeding. @ta2edblondie
  • I dont want this to become a bottle vs breast debate (not aiming towards you @ta2edblondie) im just curious if the BF moms think there is an age where it becomes a bit extreme
  • I am a mother of 3 and bf all of them. I think the picture is too far. I wean my babies around 1yr. In my opinion 18 months is long enough to bf.
  • Btw @ta2edblondie your LO may not need your boobies one day lol, but she will ALWAYS need her mommy. She will need you for bumps and bruises (mommies kisses heal everything). She will need you to hold her when she cries or when she's scared. She will need you to hold her hand on her first day of school and to comfort her during her first broken heart. She'll need you to tell her that she is the most beautiful bride you've ever seen and to hold her hand as she gives birth & becomes the mommy you taught her to be. Just sayin... :)
  • @mommyfor3 I agree. I know I dont BF so im no expert, but it really does just make me think of the awful comments I would get if I gave a 3-4yr old a bottle
  • Aww, didnt mean to make you tear up, I just dont want you thinking she wont need her mommy :) It sucked that I didnt/dont BF but I take pretty hardcore narcotics for my spine. At first, I was heartbroken about it, but I soon realized that my boobies werent what made the bond. Being a loving, caring and attentive mommy gave us the bond I had hoped for :) @ta2edblondie
  • I think "its not for everyone" JUST because of society.

    Personally, I think everyone should do it for a minimum of six months. I plan to go as long as Malia wants.

  • And the bottle thing is so toddlers teeth don't become crazy, as with binky & thumb sucking.
  • It wasnt for me because I take 30mg percocet two to 3 times a day. I would have loved to BF otherwise. I understand the reasons for breaking babies of bottles earlier because of their teeth. I wasnt judging decisions, I was just giving my own personal opinions and asking others for theirs @caroline8_p
  • @captivated im curious on your opinion.of this
  • The picture does take it too far and makes us attachment parents seem like extremists. But, I think 2 yo should be the minimum age because that's when a child's immune is most developed. Western society seems to have this 1yr stigma weaning age.
    Other countries, ap style parenting has been the norm for thousands of years.
  • A lot of this has already been discussed in the thread titled "How do yall feel about this"

    @capitvated weighed in there and on my thread about the ladies of the View..

    I agree the magazine picture might have been extreme, but what better way to get women to pick up the magazine and read the article?
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  • @Ashley_smashley wasnt aware it had already been posted
  • no prob! I figured it just got over looked...the title wasnt very descriptive. :)
  • The entire topic pisses me off, so I usually try to refrain from getting into debates over something that I feel emotional about.

    Like I said before, I find is DISGUSTING that someone would berate a mother for extended breastfeeding. Point blank.
  • @armahnismommy I personally dont think its disgusting, I just think that its a bit too old to still be breastfeeding OR bottlefeeding. I believe they drinking from a cup by then. I appreciate and respect all the opinions you ladies have given, though some I dont necessarily agree with. As I said before, my husbands response was "old enough to ask for it is too old" until I reminded him our son asked for "ba ba's" and was still getting them. I just believe that while breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, there should be an age where they should be weaned. Old enough to stand on a chair, look at & pose for a picture may be about the right time lol. Jmo though. I wont bash any mothers choices & methods, even the ones I disagree with because i despise mothers bashing my methods So I hope no one takes offense to my opinions
  • @captivated I hope you dont feel that I did that. I just respect your opinions, even the ones I dont always agree with. You're my fav person on here lol
  • I may not agree with your opinion, but I can definitely respect it because you put it out there in a respectful, intelligent and totally non ignorant way. :) I don't have issues with people that disagree with me. My issue is with ignorance and people who talk about something when they are completely uninformed (and it's OKAY to be uninformed, but when you are told the correct info, don't become defensive and crazy) and profanely, such as what was in the view's comments:

    Psychological damage (really? please source THAT info)
    Just wants big boobs
    She just wants someone to suck on her tits
    There's no health benefits at that age (there's always health benefits. Breast milk has cancer healing properties- it is healthy for ANY human)
    ...blah blah blah blah

  • When it comes to peoples opinions above, such as "if they can ask for it, it's too late", I can't really argue with because it's just a personal opinion and belief. I may not agree, but I can't PROVE it wrong, yanow? If everyone believed the same things, it would be a mighty boring world (and forum)!
  • @captivated that is why I corrected my hubby's first response to it. "if they can ask for it, they're too old". Our son asked for his bottles and he got them. So, his arguement wasnt valid to me. All of the Views comments you listed^^ are totally ridiculous and I DO NOT agree with any of them. I just know that if I gave my 4yr old a bottle, people would go insane (and not just for the teeth reason listed above ^^). Again though, I hope I didnt offend you with ANY of my comments or opinions. I respect all mothers methods, even the ones I dont agree with.
  • edited May 2012
    @mom2ing, I never wanted to admit that, but I feel the same way. I only breastfed my daughter for a few weeks, but suffered severe PPD as well. I'm now on month 10 of breastfeeding and I feel a completely different bond with my son. It makes me feel horrible...:(
  • @davidnaadynsmama, you're right. If you give a three or four year old a bottle, you will get aghast looks from everyone. I can't really argue with that one.

    However, past one and two, nursing is usually a comfort and security thing. My three year old daughter was attached to a blankie and still is, should I take it from her? I think it is the same thing, just "blankies" are more acceptable. :/
  • But then again, ^^ could be in relation to a bottle being a "comfort" measure, so yeah, I don't have an argument for that I tried!
  • The news channels out here have gone crazy over this. I only half bf for 2 weeks, i was too depressed to have anything to do with my dd. I wish i could go back in time and change it.
  • @captivated >:D< You actually THINK, that is why you're my fav lol
  • Hahah! @davidnaadynsmama, I'm not the only one!
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