breastfeeding as birth control

Anyone gotten pregnant by relying on breastfeeding as birth control?


  • Yep. Was using condoms and spermicide as well!
  • @captivated how old was lo? My ds is 11months and not interested in solids and I still haven't gotten my period. We know its not really birth control but decided to risk it and if we pregnant so be it....just curious what my odds are lol
  • Mine is 6 mo and we only use condoms when they don't hurt lol or pull out when I know I'm no where near ovulation. I haven't had seen af at all
  • I got pregnant while breastfeeding and I was using the minipill.
  • He was around 8mo. They don't recommend breastfeeding as birth control past six months. Just the first six months. You can still ovulate without a period! :)
  • edited May 2012
    My daughter was 4 months old when I got pregnant.
  • edited May 2012
    double post! sorry!
  • edited May 2012
    @fate youre like the super ovulator LOL
    the 6 month thing is just a generalized idea and doesnt pertain to everyone. The rule is not going more than 3-4 hours in between nursing 24/7 and no periods and not using any type of artificial nipple.
  • @Bahamamama4828 LOL. I guess so.. :)
  • I don't think anything works for you @captivated lol cause the pill didn't either
  • @Bahamamama4828 he definitely nurses around the clock still, no pacifiers or anything not even water. Darn, I'm kind of hoping to get pregnant ;)
  • Yep a couple of people I know got pregnant EBF. Not often but it definatly happens
  • Lol, yup 5 months pregnant here! My daughter is 9 1/2 months old and she was breastfed until 8 months but she did start eating when she was 5 months which is also when I got my first and only period
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