Period question

I am 8 months pp and have been getting my period every month around the 7th since January. Well this month so far aunt flo is a no show. I also was exclusively breast feeding until March, when my supply dropped for good. I then started to only breast feed in the morning and evening. My question is, is it possible for my periods to stop again like after I gave birth? I just poas and it was I am totally confused!


  • Bump...anyone?? Anyone stop getting their period after months of having it?
  • This girl! Af is a no show as well.
  • Yup it does happen. I didn't have a period for a yr with my son then I was getting it every other month until I got knocked up again. A few times I got it twice in 1 month..crazy hormones
  • Stupid hormones!! Grrrr got myself all excited! I am gonna test with my morning urine...and if it's a negative then I am done testing for a while...
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