The day of? I fed my lo a tbsp of bananas this morning. Well she pushed for like 10-15 mins and all that came out was a tiny piece. Now shes screaming, help!
I don't know if it would really to that right away! But it definitely could. I know ppl who give their kid both rice & bananas when the stools are too soft.
Yes I make sure I do tummy massage and playing with his legs when he has bananas! He loves them but night time sucks when he gets an upset tummy til he poops!
Try to balance the constipating fruits (apples,bananas) w/ the fruits that make loose poops (pears, peaches, apricots). Only use prunes if your lo is really blocked Cuz they can be crampy.
@Tootie08 I was thinking the same thing.. Keegan has never had a probably and she downs bananas.