When can juice be given to babies? Also like the gerber yogurt?
I feel like poor Keegan eats the same stuff All the time. Just trying to see what is and isn't considered "ok" before I hit the grocery tonight.
I feel like poor Keegan eats the same stuff All the time. Just trying to see what is and isn't considered "ok" before I hit the grocery tonight.
Im confused why my pedi said yogurt at 8-9 months... yet gerber ha baby yogurta 6+.... anyone give greek yogurt to their 6 month old?
If you do decide to give juice, water it down and brush their teeth/gums after. Its fine once in a while because they are just empty calories.
@babyhope7 my daughter is 7 months. My pedi never says anything about what's ok to give her and what's not. She's kind of bland. I looked at the gerber website to see what their advice for age was and it says 6 months for yogurt.