
edited May 2012 in Ages & Stages
When can juice be given to babies? Also like the gerber yogurt?

I feel like poor Keegan eats the same stuff All the time. Just trying to see what is and isn't considered "ok" before I hit the grocery tonight.


  • i started giving my babygirl apple juice at 6 months
  • edited May 2012
    6 months. My lo LOVES yogurt.
  • How old is your lo?

    Im confused why my pedi said yogurt at 8-9 months... yet gerber ha baby yogurta 6+.... anyone give greek yogurt to their 6 month old?
    If you do decide to give juice, water it down and brush their teeth/gums after. Its fine once in a while because they are just empty calories.
  • 4m for juice but little sips... now he does 2oz a day. He has been doing yogurt since 5m now... he LOVES his yogurt!!!
  • Thanks ladies! Looks like Keegan Willie trying yogurt tomorrow then.

    @babyhope7 my daughter is 7 months. My pedi never says anything about what's ok to give her and what's not. She's kind of bland. I looked at the gerber website to see what their advice for age was and it says 6 months for yogurt.
  • Jack is 6 months and i give him diluted juice in a sippy every now and then. we haven't tried yogurt yet but soon
  • Has anyone given greek yogurt at 6 or 7 months??? Im paranoid with gerber yogurt because it has a long expiration date and doesnt need to be refrigirate.
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  • @babyhope7 I give my son Greek yogurt. It's better for baby, and has lots more protein in it than regular. Plus anything that's considered ”yogurt” and is sitting out on the shelf with the baby food kinda weirds me out!
  • @homebirthadvocate & @Ericak22 Does it matter what brand of greek yogurt?
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