Help... not drinking

edited May 2012 in Food
My LO will not take a bottle or breastfeed right now... hes actually pushing it away... he will eat solids but no milk... he is teething but has no problem with his paci... He is playing fine and everything but he should be getting bottle 2 by now (we follow daycares schedule for him on weekends).... when should I be concerned??


  • I was about to post something like this. My 8 1/2 month old wont take his bottle either. He gets three a day, drinks maybe half of the first one and none of the second one, the only one he wants is his bed time bottle. This has been going on about two weeks now and he eats all his regular food fine. I know he is young to switch to milk but im going to ask the doctor at his nine month apt bc i cant force feed him formula he doesnt want it. And he has no teeth and is not teething so i think he is just done but i keep offerring it just in case he wants it.
  • I would say once you notice a change in poppy diapers and the amount of pee in a day. I don't think one skipped meal during will affect him. I'm sure he'll make up for it next meal.
  • My lo has days like this. Yesterday was one of those days. It was a struggle to get her to even open her mouth for a bottle. But she would eat food. I just tried not to force her and let her do her own thing. She probably only drank about 20ozs yesterday.
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