Pregnancy acne really over it!

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
So I have posted something about this before but I'm st my wits end. My acne still has not gone away. I have never had bad skin & its soooi frustrating. My face, chest, back shoot even my neck has a few pimples. Did anyone find anything that works? I just ordered the proactive kit, not sure what's good since I've never really had this problem. I really don't want to go to the derm. That's considered a specialist and cost me a $50 copay plus whatever they prescribe me. I will if the proactive thing doesn't work though..can't take this anymore. Anyone have advice on what works?


  • I've tried everything. Proactive, neutrogena kit. Lately I been using unscented dove soap followed by neutragena astringent with salacylic acid. This is the best my face has looked. Im 22 weeks now. Idk if the hormones are changing or what. I do stil have some acne pop up but nothing before.
  • Nothing like before
  • I've had it pretty bad too. My hubby gets mad cuz I try so many different things. I haven't found a good wash yet but..

    I do know the best thing for healing them right up is aloe Vera! It helps them to not scar too..
  • I have pretty sensitive skin normally but now my chest is so broken out its horrible.. I have hives and little pimples all over
  • I hv had some breakouts too and it sucks bc there isnt much u can do! My doc prescribed me cleocin which is a topical antibiotic and it has been working..thank God!
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  • I've never had acne problems either.. & when I asked my doctor, she said just wash it like normal & put some face lotion on my face after I wash it so it doesn't dry out. She said certain products may help more than others, but it'll never fully go away until after pregnancy because its just part of it like any other symptom. Yay! Haha!
  • I am using fashwash with 10% benzoyl peroxide. At first it dries your face out really bad, but once your face gets use to it, it really works.
  • The only thing that works for me and it works wonders is the charcoal mask from origins! You will even notice a big difference after the first time. ;-)
  • @elle_baby what is origins? I live in Indianapolis, do they have website? I'm desperate!
  • @Tlg81 Acne free at wal mart does well. I've no lie tried everything. Pro active was the worst, but when I had horrible acne that worked. I use biore now, the daily scrub it works well. What is your skin type? Oily? Dry? Average? Just make sure you get a facial moisturizer to put on after because if you have oily skin, most washes dry out your skin, which your oil glands will work double time and cause a break out. Sane as dry skin. When you wash also only use warm water, hot causes redness. And use your hands not a scrubbie or wash cloth, its irritating to your skin and pimples spread when they pop. And don't pick unless there is no option. Pimples spread under your skin as well as on top. Try wearing your hair up and easy with the make up & only wash twice a day (worked for me as well) I know this is a huge post but I went through troubled acne for a few years, I know some quirks. Hope this helps :)
  • @mscheyla, thanks. I have not dry not oily. I have never had such bad skin, but I have been picking/popping I can't help it. I will follow your ideas for the next 2 weeks and give you a update
  • Are any medications that us preggers need to stay away from as far as face washes go?
  • edited March 2011
    @Tlg81 Cool. Yeah let me know & picking is a quick solution but just makes it spread. When you pop it the piss (gross I know) goes under your skin too. But the acne free kit helped the clean and clear kit really helped me for a while, that one you may want to try. But I got proactive when mine broke out and a few other people I know said it got 3 times worse in a week. But clean and clear I saw positive results in less than a week. Just tell proactive you weren't satisfied they have a guarantee if you decide not to try it. Good luck, quit picking, not even black heads, they become pimples. Lol. I have some scars. Mine was so.bad and skin was so sensitive I couldn't scratch my face with my nails it hurt so bad.
  • @Tlg81 but in the case you need to take care of a huge issue. Use a wrag and warm water, press down around it with your finger tips not your nails. But using the wrag prevents your oil & dirt on your hands from going on your face. Using your tips not nails, when you use nails ever notice you'll scratch up some skin and not the pimple? That's going to possibly scar, you don't want that. And the warm water does the obv. Opens your poors. And any starring that happens maderma scar treatment..I wish I would of. But that will clear up any damage :)
  • My problem is its on my neck chest back and arms! Not even so much on my face! Ugh its so frustrating
  • I'd say maybe try st.ives or simple and choose the one for your skin type meaning if you have oily skin, dry etc and wash face twice daily. Eat more get licked cucumbers too. I have oily skin and this is what works for me.
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah Benzoyl Peroxide is awesome!! I'm using Noutregena pore cleansing daily face scrub and it worked great!!!!! @Buebug3 Avoid Salicyc Acid!!! Its bad for your baby!
  • Ugh I am only 8 weeks and have been battling it... I use ptoactiv on a reg. Basis but it had been shot down by the prego acne..i have it on my chest and neck I'd do bad too...i can't get anything to work!!!
  • @Tlg81 Do u have a Macys? If so they sell that brand there as well. Look it up on google and see if they have that any stores that sell that brand where u live. Even the reviews are good. Not even expensive either.
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