At home births?

So I comment on a thread earlier today about also not enjoying my birth experience. Well hubby and I are disscussing the idea of having baby #2 and that is probably why I have been so consumed lately with my displeasurable birthing experience. I've really wanted to give birth my second time around at a birthing center but there is not one anywhere near me. Soooo....I've been flirting around with the idea of an at home birth. Now, I use to be completely against this idea prior to my first birth but now I am warming up to the idea. I'm still just very nervous about it.

I have a ton of questions and really want to know who has done this and how was your experience.

So some of my ?'s:

Do they take insurance or do u have to pay out of pocket?

If out of pocket approx. How much is it?

If I choose I need some type of pain there an option or am I stuck with natural ( I really want a natural birth but want a back up plan too lol)

I tore internally VERY bad with my son...are they trained in sewing up difficult cases (ik maybe a dumb question)

My son had jaundice and had to spend 24 hrs under the do they check for that at home and if the new LO had it would we have to go to hospital for phototherapy?

I labored for 18ish hours and had intervention (pitocin and my water broken). How long at home am I allowed to labor before they want to intervene?

Do they ever give pitocin at home births?

I was positive for strep they give antibiotics in the home?

Do u go to the pediatricians office right away or how does that work?

Circumcisions ...are the done at the home or would you have to go to the pediatricians office for that?

As you can see I have a ton of questions and I'm just tryng to see if this is the right option for me! Any advice or personal stories are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!


  • Thank u...idk y I forgot to tag her!
  • or me LOL im a homebirthing midwife and i LOVE questions like this!
  • Ok, in my state most midwives take insurance but depends on what insurance will cover it. If you have to pay out of pocket its typically 2000-3500 but most midwives will barter or payment plans are ok. there is no pain management except a birth pool, different laboring positions, the ball, etc..and yes, midwives can sew tears but most tears dont typically need sewn. and if you were to birth in a position of your choice, you have a less chance of tearing. Most midwives dont intervene!! No pit!! No antibiotics but we use something called hibicleanse. you can go to the pedi if you choose but the midwife will come to your house to weigh baby at different times. you would have to go to a pedi for circed.
  • but there is a HUGE difference in a CNM and a CPM
  • Any advice @ bahamamama4828
  • The birthing center I'm going to medicaid pays $4,000 of it, and I only have to pay $500. No pitocin, but if you need antibiotics, they give it to you through a butterfly needle every 4hrs until you've given birth. My midwife said swimming in a chlorinated pool 2xs a week helps the gbs test come up negative. They know how to sew you up if you rip as well. They do circumcision, and all the lab tests at my birthing center as well, you'd just have to interview the ones in your area to see which one offers what you want.
  • I've also Been pretty creeped out by the whole water birth I guess I'm wondering if it really aids in pain relief? I love baths but Idk y I'm kinda grossed out by floating around in my fluids. Haha ok I'm a lil uneducated about that topic but that's just how I picture it lol ( remember I'm OCD lol)
  • I would say it's probably safe to assume that floating around in your fluids is much more safe than being in a hospital contaminated with a gazillion germs...just my $0.02 lol
  • I think CPMs are illegal here in NC @bahamamama4828
  • Well crap :( water does help with pain relief, even from my own experience. At home you're surrounded by familiar germs unlike the hospital. You can look for a birth center not attached to a hospital for better results :)
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  • @homebirthadvocate You are right I do think there are several CMPs the practice around here their names are just kept quiet.

    @ bahamamama4828
    So I'm just curious what the push for a CPM is. I mean is it just the obviously...that they are more about no intervention and they were trainer only in home birth settings?
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  • Ok that's what I thought
  • Thank you yes :) if you're looking for a CPM be careful, they run the risk of getting arrested.
  • @sophiasmom11 certified professional midwife
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