Your Relationship!!!

edited May 2012 in Relationships
Name 3 things that you love about your spouse and 3 things you can't stand!!
I'll go first...

1. He's super funny
2. He's a freak in bed (I'm a Scorpio.. LOL)
3. He works very very hard to support the family

Cant Stand
1. He's stubborn as hell
2. When he parties... HE PARTIES (But its not too often.)
3. He sometimes acts like the baby we have together is better then the rest of "MY" kids.


  • Love:

    1• Intellegant
    2• Extremely patient
    3• Religous Connection :)

    Can't Stand:

    1• Picky
    2• Bad attitude at times
    3• Asks too many pointless questions.

    There's more things i love about him then hate... :D
  • @bettymomma He snores like a hibernating bear... That must be difficult to handle. (Ear plugs)?
  • Luv:

    Hard worker, he makes sure I'm happy and I get whatever I want.

    He's honest, loyal and moves a mountain for me if he could.

    He satisfies my needs before goin to bed:)

    Can't stand:

    He hates spending money on himself

    I hate when he put other people's needs before himself.

    He snores.

  • @bettymomma It would be worse if he was the size of a NFL Quarterbacker and if you were the size of a Barbie Doll and you having to roll him over lol!!
  • @isnino You married perfection, didnt know they exist. Hold on to him TIGHTLY! Lol
  • OMG... I forgot snores too!
  • @AishaMusa thank u, he's my soul mate BTW u got my husband's name (Musa)
  • right now:

    Despise: that hes not a great provider- hes got a shitty night job which pays peanuts, so were getting help from the government, but he 'likes' it there.
    that he keeps 'forgetting' to feed our daughter her jars. Im not cooking him dinner tonight, will say i 'forgot'
    that hes a sexual idiot, i cant even remember when we last had sex, he has a very low drive.
    I could go on and on. Not a happy house at the moment.
  • Love:
    - He makes me laugh
    - He spoils me... very rarely do I hear NO.
    - He loves to have fun but he's a total family man through and through
    - Spends money like theres no tomorrow
    - Drives like a demon and drinks to much sometimes
    - GRINDS HIS TEETH! (I'd TOTALLY take snoring over grinding teeth)
  • Love:
    -He's a great provider.
    -He's very loyal. (sounds like i'm talking about my dog. Lol)
    -After 8 years of marriage he still makes me feel wanted.

    -He ignores me when i tell him i want to move back to MN. Like it's not important. I just want to live closer to family and friends.
    -He puts his education first. He already has a bs and is going back for masters. I never even got to finish my schooling because i got pregnant and became a shm. I'd like to go back but he's going back first. Kinda makes me feel unimportant.
    -He's over weight.

    All and all i really have nothing to complain about. I have a great husband who's given me 3 beautiful daughters and a great life. ;)
  • Likes:
    • He is great with our daughter.
    • He loves my son.
    • He can be adventurous.

    • He NEVER wants to have sex.
    • He doesn't make me feel special anymore.
    • He says I should do something for myself, then complains when I try to.

    I am so sick of hearing, "I'm tired." "I don't feel well." Really??? I thought I was the woman here, but those are common womanly excuses. Is it too much to ask for some 'sexual healing'?
  • Love:
    He's very patient and understanding
    He's the most goodlookin man I've ever seen
    He's the best father to my children (even my son who's not his)

    You know Ive been sitting here trying to find things I dislike but when I think about things that would annoy me or start somthing its usually me who bickers...I'm a very lucky women and I need to notice that more.
  • love
    he knows when to be a man and isnt afraid to show is sensitive side

    hes overworked and underpaid yet he still bust his ass to provide for me and our daughter

    after 7 yrs he still brings me flowers just because its Wednesday

    he lets his mom take advantage of him

    he thinks changing a poopy diaper is a woman's job he only does if he has to and thats when im not home which is rarely

    he enjoys pity parties
  • Love:
    . . . Uhhh he can be very caring

    Takes care of me.

    When I was able to have sex uhhhh yeah that was amazing. (;

    And judging by how excited he is. . And how he has calmed down the temper. .And started to work so he can provide . . I know he's going to be a good dad.

    He always plays the victim (man tf up please)

    He's jealous

    He enjoys his pity parties

    Wants sex 24/8. I'm on pelvic rest so no I'm not letting him anywhere close to the vajay any time soon!

    Argumentative and just plain rude sometimes.

    (He isn't terrible all the time. Though this is just in the past few weeks. :( )
  • Love:

    He's so laid back (balances out my strung out-Ness)

    He loves our daughter and me unconditionally

    He's almost always in a good mood & ready to be goofy.


    He's so laid back (his refusal to plan things & just go with the flow drives me nuts sometimes lol),

    He leaves his dirty work socks everywhere

    He can eat like a horse and not gain weight! I look at food, and bam.+5 lbs
  • edited May 2012
    We are going through a rough patch right now :( buuutt

    that he cooks! And likes to do it! :-D
    is great with our kids
    Hes funny

    Hes stubborn as hell!
    I have watch his spending because money saving is not for him
    His temper about the little things
  • @kayleigh27 .. what's up with these stubborn men? LOL
  • @isnino my husbands name is muse/musa thats awesome lol I just tagged his name after mine :)
  • Loves:

    that my husband Loves me & Nyla unconditionally

    That he's very romantic

    He loves to provide for me & Nyla so we will never want for anything


    Hate that he lets his mama get in the way of our relationship sometimes

    Hate that he never puts his dirty clothes in the laundry basket its all over the floor in the room

    Hate that he wants a dog but doesnt want the responsibilities that come with being a dog owner... Lol I told him im not cleaning nobodys shyt but Nyla's ;)

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  • Likes:
    He is an AMAZING father!
    If I ask him to buy me something he always will(if its reasonable of course)
    He is so forgiving!

    He gets to stay up late at night and sleep on during the day! It's annoying..on my days off o would like to just sleep in and he get up with the lo. Today he did and I was so grateful!

    I don't think he understand that even though I work fewer hours a day than him.. coming home and taking care of the baby is still tiring. When i clock job is not over! He doesn't understand that.

    He doesn't do things around the house unless I get upset about it a few times.
  • LOVE
    1.hes super funny
    2.great father
    3.puts me and the kids above himself
    Talks a lot about pointless things and I can't get a word in
    2.gets angry to quickly
    3.lazy as hell
  • LOVE
    1.Hes a hard worker
    2. He does all the house work
    3. Hes a very good daddy

    1. He cant make a decision on his own
    2. He always wants to be glued to my hip
    3. He sounds worse than a female when it comes to me not wanting to touch,kiss,love on him ect ect
  • Love:
    1. He provides for my family so I can stay home and raise our dd.
    2. He lets me shop when I want.
    3. He always compliments me when I clean and cook a good dinner for him.

    1. Hes stubborn and somehow always gets his way.
    2. He acts like it is such a burden when I ask him to watch our daughter so I can get stuff done.
    3. He is a sexed crazed maniac, my sex drive had died since baby and bc so it is really annoying.
  • This will seem CRAZY but here goes-


    1. He likes to spend a lot of money on me (like I'm printing it in the basement)

    2. Totally relaxed, like all the time!

    3. Overly accommodating, always helps people out even though some take advantage of him


    1. He likes to spend a lot of money period (like I'm printing it in the basement)

    2. Totally relaxed, sometimes it's too much!

    3. Overly accommodating, always helps people out even though some take advantage of him
  • Love:
    His determination to do what he needs to do for not only himself but me and his son.

    His humor, we're constantly laughing and making jokes even if we're in the worst situation.

    The time he takes to reassure me that i'm the only woman for him and that he'll always be happy with me.

    He baby's me :/ he thinks i'm handicap since I got pregnant lol he doesn't let me carry anything and he's constantly checking up on me to make sure I can't fall or i'm nowhere near a corner that can hit my belly lol

    Sometimes he doesn't think before he speaks. Like he called me a whale (joking around of course) but I had just talked to him about how nothing fit me an hour before lol and I almost cried

    I hate that no matter how bad his family talks about me or is just ugly towards him, he still answers all their calls and tries to fix them ha
  • LOVE:
    1· He is a super hard worker. Provides above and beyond for us
    2· Treats "MY" kiddos as his own, great father.
    3· Great in bed...
    I can go on and on...

    1· Mamas boy...which isn't to bad because he treats me like a queen also.
    2· Picky
    3· A bit needy...comes along with being a Mamas Boy.
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