Depo Shot?

I go for my 6 week appointment on Thursday so I need figure out which birth control I should get on. I was on the pill when I got pregnant with my last so I don't wanna do that, I've heard way to many horror stories about iuds so I don't wanna do that neither. I was thinking implanon or the depo shot but I think I'm leaning more towards the shot. Any advice? I'm so confused. I wanted to just get my tubes tied so I don't have to worry about it because I already have 3 kids & I really don't want anymore but I'm not sure if I wanna make such a permanent decision yet. Help please. Lol


  • I would do the implanon if I had to choose between that and the shot... Atleast you can get it taken out if you have negative side effects... But your stuck with any negatives from the shot for 3 months... I have an iud though and love it
  • The shot slows down your metabolism and you gain weight.

    What about the ring
  • @tinka1326 that's true. I've heard so many good things about it though except the bone marrow stuff but they said just take calcium & it'll be okay...& I'm so scared to get an iud, my cousin got it lodged in her uterus, & a couple other people I know. They had to have it surgically removed

    @YNVTish Oh really, I thought implanon you gained lots of weight on? Hmm. Im already back to my pre pregnant weight so I definitely want to avoid gaining any unessacary weight. Don't you have to put the ring in everytime before you have sex? That would be really inconvenient. Lol.
  • I dont want any more children so for me it wouldnt really matter if I had complications... They can just go in and take me whole freakin uterus lol. I have known a few people to have mood/depression issues on the implanon. All people though that already had issues but it got worse with the implant
  • @tinka1326 lol I'm in the same boat, but then there's apart of me that may want one more later on down the road. Idk yet. Lol I've always been a pretty happy person so maybe I wouldn't have those side effects? Lol ugh. I'm so confused.
  • I gained 15pound when i took the shot before I had my son trust me you don't wanna do it well from my opinion
  • I have 2 children with different dads and 2 step children. So with 4 under 6 with my partner I do not want more... And if we were not together I certainly dont want 3 kids with 3 dads... So im done for sure lol
    If you havent had depression issues before likely you wouldnt have a problem...
  • @SalasMommy Oh wow. That's not good. Is that the only side effect you had? How long were you on it?
  • I am pregnant but even now I'm thinking of bc methods. I don't want the iud bc my mom and sister have it and every month they r in serious pain!
  • Well one shot last three months and even though I was eating the same I just couldn't stop gaining weight. I only took one shot and it was enough to say heck no
  • @tinka1326 oh wow, that's kinda like me. I have 3 kids with 2 different guys. My hubby has 4 kids from previous relationship plus our 2 together & them my 1 from previous. We have 7 total but only 4 live with us, 3 of his live with thier mom. Crazy but I gotta say I love it. Lol we have 2, 4 year olds, a 3 year old & a 5 week old living with us. If I do plan on having another one, it won't be for a longggg time. Lol
  • @SalasMommy dang that sucks. Did you have anymore side effects?
  • Nope just that
  • I was on the shot for 4 years. I gained a pound every month I was on the shot. When we decided to have another baby 3 years ago, it took us a year and a half to conceive again. I was also very moody for about a week and a half every month. I also had high blood pressure while on the shot. Good luck in what you choose.
  • I was on the shot for 4 years. I gained a pound every month I was on the shot. When we decided to have another baby 3 years ago, it took us a year and a half to conceive again. I was also very moody for about a week and a half every month. I also had high blood pressure while on the shot. Good luck in what you choose.
  • I bled for 6 months straight in the shot and it made me very very bitchy and impatient, just say no!
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  • I have the shot an love it till I seen a thing on tv the other day that sed its causes breast cancer now I'm not gettn it no more lol but Im a worry wart other then that I love it
  • edited May 2012
    Here is all the FQA's for the nuvaring
    saw OP asked about it so i looked it up for you :)
  • Thank ladies for all your opinions. I appreciate them :) so I went to my 6 week check today & dr suggests I get an iud "mirena" I've heard so many horrid stories but I guess I'm gonna try it, he's gonna put it in, in 4 days. I'm so nervous. :/ any thoughts? Thanks for all your help!
  • @babynumber3ontheway Nuvaring is amazing and you only put it in once a month. It stays in for 3 weeks, then out for one to have a period, then just put a new one in. If you aren't comfortable with an iud, speak up...don't feel forced to get a bc you don't want.
  • I hated the depo...gained 80 lbs on it. I also was crazy, sooo overly emotional and also my migraines became more extreme. It just made me feel like I should've been put in insane asylum...I would go nuts about anything. I can't do pills either bc of migraines with aura so I'm trying to decide also...I think fiance is gonna get snipped...
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